Life is a State of Mind

Here's mine...

I am a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma (just like everyone else). I'm a non-conformist and a deep thinker. I like to dissect the nature of reality, this illusion that we take far too seriously, and peel away its layers to get to the Truth that's buried deep inside.

I'm very serious minded, but I know how to joke and have fun. My friends and family describe me as confident, intelligent, creative, generous, honest, loyal, trustworthy, dedicated, giving, helpful, imaginative, musical, logical, shy, quiet, funny, methodical, spiritual, and learned in the Scriptures. I place little value on wealth, or the power that wealth provides. I don't smoke, drink, or take drugs, but find satisfaction in other aspects of life.

I am working on becoming a man who seeks God wholeheartedly, putting Jesus before anything else. I strive to be more Christ-like every day, but I'm not perfect, however, and I could use some improvement in certain areas. But for the most part, I feel my walk with the Lord is strong. I am a man of character, integrity, honesty, and intelligence. I am not swayed by opinions of society, but rather by the Word of God, and I am willing to stand up for it even in the face of adversity. I desire a godly woman who will do the same; someone whom I can trust and love for life, till death do us part.

I am a man who shows my love for God by following His Wisdom that's revealed in the Holy Scripture (as opposed to picking and choosing favorable things from the scripture while ignoring those that don't fit some established preference or tradition). When and if there's a conflict, I will place Gods' Law above man-made laws.

Also, I do not have now, nor do I ever plan on having, any debts. I have no loans to pay off; I have no credits to settle; I have no payments to make, and no fear of repossession because everything I have is paid in full. I do not buy anything that I do not have the money to get. As far as "financial security," there is no such thing. The only security we have comes from God, not mammon.

The most aggravating thing that others say about me is that I am too analytical; I disect everything and look too deeply into things; I am too logical and "philosophical." This may be true. I tend to try to solve other people's problems and give advice, when all they really want is someone to listen to them. So, I tend to offend people unintentionally by looking into their situation and trying to help them by giving them answers that I believe would help them, especially when it comes to their walk with God.

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