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08.29.03/2:27 PM: This is probably my last update ever, my new site is Final Fantasy Vault go check it out, also i need hosting, so please email me at if you can help me with that. Well until later notice, i am abandoning this site. Thank you all for your support, goodbye.

12.12.01/6:05 PM: Um so I said to the guy, "like uh, OMG OMG OMG it was updated..." and he said" I know, I already downloaded VB3 and VB4..." heh go DL VB3 and VB4... wierdos

9.3.01/10:25 PM: Finished the applications page, although no apps are up yet we will have visual basic 3 through six and macromedia flash 4 and 5. PeaCe..

9.2.01/10:56 PM: I have finished the About Me section, added time stamps to the updates.

9.2.01: I have added 3 links to the links section.

9.2.01: Err... sorry for the lack of updates. Somehow the password was changed so I couldn't log in. I couldn't find the password so I have to start over. I will start working on getting everything up. PeaCe..

7.13.01: Hey Hey... friday the thirteenth ooh... I'm scared, nah..... I'm not superstitious.. new layout..

7.13.01: Welcome to Furiza Lives On!! Please visit DFE - Destiny Fighters Elite. Thank you. ^_^



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