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411 Rally





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411 Rally

411 Rally

Information Day
April 11

Consider this:

You're at home with your precious children like so many days before. You're doing ordinary stuff with your children, when you hear a knock at the door.

Answering it, you find a social worker with the police and a warrant to physically take your children into custody. The police force their way in through threats of arrest if you do not open the door, so you comply.

One policeman starts asking you questions while the other policeman and the social worker physically take your children into custody. You get no explanations for why you are being questioned. You ask where your children are being taken and what's going on.

No answers. No explanations.

As if this isn't enough, your children are crying for you. "Mommy! Daddy! What's going on? Where am I going?" asks one of your children. You have no answers for your children.

"What can I do?" you ask the social worker.

While handing you the official papers from the court, the social worker says, "Show up for the hearing, which is in 10 business days. Meanwhile you are to have no contact with your children."

The order to not have contact with your children doesn't matter anyway, because you don't know where the social worker took them.

Court day: You are assigned a "court-appointed" lawyer who you meet only five minutes before court. You are given court paperwork, which clearly states lies. You tell your lawyer about the lies, but s/he won't defend your rights in court, and you aren't allowed to talk.

The above scenario was a generalized version of what has happened throughout the United States to families who are not independently wealthy. Well my friend it's time for a change. Government stomps all over you and the few people you call friends won't listen to you.

411 - Information Day - is an opportunity for us to unify and organize nationwide and hold rallies in our own states and cities.

On April 11, let's make more people aware of what child protective service social welfare workers are doing.

Let's make people aware of the lies, the deceits, and the use of taxpayer and Social Security Fund money to steal children and keep them in state custody.
© 2002 Jennifer Miller