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Gems for Living


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Welcome to Family Ties 2 !  All members of the family are invited & encouraged to help keep this web site current.  Submissions are accepted from all family members.  

Update on Grandma Leah:  
Grandma had a new knee put in on the 29th.  She had some problems after the surgery and had to go to a nursing home for a few days but is back home now.  Uncle Val and Aunt Gloria have been down for a couple of weeks to help out but will leave on Saturday.  Dad and I will move in with Grandma for a short while until she can be on her own.  She has physical therapy three days a week that she must go to.

Katrina and Aaron Travel to Utah:  Katrina and Aaron are in Salt Lake.  Aaron's grandmother passed away last Monday so they have gone to Utah for the funeral.  They bought a new jeep so they were able to drive their own car this time.  I don't know how much time they will be there, as they had to leave in such a hurry.

NOTE FROM THE FAMILY:  Aaron and Katrina, we send you our sympathies for your loss, and hope your travels are safe.

Suggestion from Katrina:  Yep, here comes Halloween!  Time for people to decorate their homes and yards with ghosts, goblins and other fun and scary things.  Katrina has suggested that everyone take a picture of their Halloween decorations and send them in to Family Ties 2, where we can share them with the rest of the family.  

Any Halloween pictures sent in (yards, costumes or whatever), will be set up to be accessible here at our home page during the month of October.  So grab your cameras, click off a few pictures, and send 'em on in!  Thanks for the suggestion Katrina!    
Click here to see photo submissions

Homestead Papers:  Brand New!  Chronological index of papers, legal documents, photographs etc., related to the Alaskan Campbell Creek Homesteaders during the early 1960's, continuing through to the present time.  A work in progress. Many thanks to all those who have researched, stored, and/or supplied material for this project, especially Brook Taylor, Daren Taylor, Linda Petersen and Cindy Ausick.   Any submissions of un-posted materials regarding the case are gratefully accepted.

Note: 9/22/01 - New viewing format!    
Go There

Your Submission Could be Here:  As mentioned earlier, Family Ties 2 needs reporters.  Your article or submission could be posted here.

Send it in now!


Listed most recent postings first)
Older articles archived HERE.

Update on Grandma Leah  
          - Posted: 11/11/01 - Reporter: Candy Taylor
Katrina and Aaron Travel to Utah  
          - Posted: 11/11/01 - Reporter: Candy Taylor
New E-Mail Addresses

          - Posted: 11/11/01- Reporter: Doug Taylor
Suggestion from Katrina

          - Posted: 10/11/01- Reporter: Doug Taylor
Homestead Papers 
          - Posted: 9/19/01 - Reporter: Doug Taylor
Announcing Family Prose
          - Posted: 9/14/01 - Reporter: Doug Taylor
Time for a new "Quizlet"! 
          - Posted: 9/13/01 - Reporter: Doug Taylor
New Photo Album Viewer 
          - Posted: 9/12/01 - Reporter: Doug Taylor
Your Submission Could Be Here  
          - Posted: 8/16/01 - Reporter: Doug Taylor
Highlights of Family Ties 2  
          - Posted: 8/14/01 - Reporter: Doug Taylor
Family Ties 2 Reporters Needed  
          - Posted: 8/13/01 - Reporter: Doug Taylor 

New E-Mail Addresses:  
New (and changed) E-Mail Addresses sent in to Family Ties 2:

     Gary & Candy Taylor
     Katrina & Aaron Larsen
     Kelly Taylor

Family Ties 2 Reporters Needed:  As you can see, there is still much to do on this site.  We would like to ask each family group in our extended Family to submit news, events of interest, letters to the family etc.  

Seen a good movie lately?  Submit a review.  Heard a good joke?  Share it with the rest of us!  Found a great recipe?  Send it in!  Just got new photos of the kids taken?  Let's post them for everyone to see!

Currently, we are in critical need of family names, birth dates, anniversary dates etc. for the calendar and family group sheets.

Submissions can be sent over the internet by clicking the E-Mail icon at the bottom right-hand corner of each page.

Announcing Family Prose:  Newly added to Family Ties 2, "Family Prose" is a place to exhibit the writing talents of family members.  Poetry and Fiction.     Go There

New Photo Album Format:  Check out the new photo Album Viewer!  Easier to view, easier to navigate!  Browse through the album, and let us know what you think of the new format.  Then send in your new photos to share with the rest of the family!     Go There

Time for a new "Quizlet"!  Do you have an idea for the new family survey?  E-Mail your question, with 4 to 6 possible responses to Doug at Family Ties 2!

Family Ties 2 is the Family web site for the descendants, ancestors, friends & immediate families
of Beverly T. Matern, Gary Taylor and Candy Taylor.

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