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enchantment of the drunks
Hey what's up everyone!!!
Welcome to our webpage...we just wanted to get together and share our memories and special high points of our wonderful trip to the Caribbean. We are glad you could make it on the trip and I don't know of one person who did not have a great time. Thank's to you guys we all became pretty close and now look what we have to show for it; a bunch of pictures of drunk people. Have fun on the site and PLEASE send us your pics so we can upload them onto the page. Thanks - Scott
Check back every couple of days for updates to the pictures and to the site.

Just an FYI: Next year a couple of us may be planning another trip to the caribbean for fun. Same time, same place, different cruise boat here we come. Carnival Cruise Lines has been nice enough to allow us to come use their floating city as our new home!