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My Schedule

Update (08.29.03):
Damn damn damn everythingggggggg!!%#@$#@^@#$!!! well, they wouldnt let me have 8 classes bc i had to go see the vice principal since there were complications with my us hist. class. =( and so then, they freakin took out my yearbook class bc they wouldnt let me drop my college and career since i should 'get it out of the way' well, i guess thats err...alright i guess..i just really hate the fact that imma soon only have 6 classes....and yea, =( i think im okay with this..either that or the shock of this all is taking its time to come to me...when it hits me, i will be terribly unhappy..and you know what, talking about this makes me angry, so imma stop now..bye.

1-3 AP Chemsitry Coulter
3-5 Orchestra Winter
0 Reg Swan
6-8 Lunch/Break Lunch/Break
9-10 Pre-Calculus Pinocci
11-12 College & Career Yang
13 Lunch/Break Lunch/Break
14-15 Expos. Writing Beck
16-17 US History Priddy
18-20 Japanese 5 Takemoto

First day of school (scheduling day) and I have a double incomplete schedule..oh wells. this way I get to talk to my counselor, and I really really want to. The schedule that i went for was the last one i listed I'm missing my US History and Expository Writing class..and I wanna talk to my own counselor because other ones are mean and and and...if they're mean enough, they can make me cry T_T I'm such a stupidass. Oh well. I needa sneak 8 classes, so wish me luck! =) *peacie*

I think this site, in the future (If im not lazy), mighhttt be a site for me to put up my grades...which is..weird, yes, but but but, I wanna use this picture for SOMETTHINGG...grr...too bad the quality of the pic is bad though...

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