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Lola's Pics IV

Nice shot of Dulcey striking a pose in front of a random Chicago fountain (Oct. '01).

Me, all Mark Cohen-esque with my camera, in front of a sideways couch. Apparently this was Couch Time in Chicago.

From Dulcey's visit here this past March (2002), us in downtown Atlanta waiting for my dad to pick us up... and playing with lampposts...

Dulcey with Daphne the helium tank. :) (DON'T ask.)

Me in very makeshift Mimi and Mark outfits. (Couldn't find leopard print boots. :( Sigh.) The plastic pants were once a shower curtain. Yeah, we rule. :P

Dulcey and me with Kevin Spencer after the March 16, 2002 matinee of Rent in Atlanta. Woot. :) (I look like SUCH an idiot. Ignore my crazy wannabe dreadlocks/ringlets. LOL.)

Uh... Mimi meets Dr. Evil? :P This was the dress I was *supposed* to see Adam in. Sigh. (June '02, before the trip.)

Dulcey and me acting odd in our hotel room (June '02). She and I actually went out on our fire escape dressed like this and sang Glory and Out Tonight, respectively. Uh... yeah. Seriously.

With William Robert Gaynor, Adam's hot understudy. He won us over like four seconds into "Fortune". Yeah. Hot stuff.

With Felicia Finley, the most kickass Amneris ever, since... well, Sherie. LOL. But I didn't know Sherie at this time, so here she was just... the most kickass Amneris ever. :P

With Simone, who insisted we all stand in front of the giant Aida poster. Haha. She ruled. And what a voice.

With Mark Richard Ford (Collins). Best Collins ever, IMHO, and I think most people will agree.

With Chad Richardson (Roger), Manley's understudy. (I almost typed "Adam's understudy"--heh. Habit. :P *glares only semi-amusedly in Adam's direction*) Anyhow... he was great. And look, he's taller than me--such a rarity. :) WOOT!

With Matt Caplan (Mark). No introduction necessary. :)

With Karmine Alers, best Mimi ever. Well, next to Daph of course. :P But I no longer regret not having seen Daph as Mimi, because Kar is... a goddess.

(Still the June '02 trip--) And finally... last but couldn't be further from least... us with Daphne Rubin-Vega, the one and only original goddess of Rent. Sigh. (Daph--sorry this isn't a porn site; I hope it's acceptable anyway. ;)

Pics V