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-Vancouver-,-California-,-Japan-,-Hong Kong-


Tokyo international airport, arriving from California

Random station passed on Nakita Express

Shinkansen (Bullet Train)

View from Ish's appartment

View from Ish's appartment in Osaka

From Ish's appartment

Ish sleeping

Woman making Osaka's famous dish

Ish watching food cook

Osaka's famous dish



Ish's cousin finishing his food

Ish offering me some fugu (poisonous puffer fish)

Sushi bar

Ish on his computer at his house

Ish outsides Osaka Castle

Ish at the top of Osaka castle

Mike at the top of Osaka Castle

Mike outside the gates

Ish (& Mike) riding sky lift thingy over Kobe

Mike and Ish in garden, Kobe

Kobe from sky-lift

Looking down on Kobe

Zen rock garden in Kyoto

Miniturisation of zen rock garder

Ish taking a photo of zen garden with his phone

Entrance to a temple in Kyoto

Ish tying his fortune to the string


Ish and Mike in Kyoto

Old fashioned tea house

Old Emperor's palace (Kyoto)

Dusk in Kyoto

500 yen (around 2 and 1/2 quid) 30cm 26 second ice cream challenge, which I took on (unfortunately I only managed to finish about a tenth of it before spectators the 10 or so spectators made me laugh uncontrollably). The video of this may be put up soon

Petrol station with overhanging fuel pumps

Electronics street in Osaka

Mike and Ish in front of huge neon Glico sign

Very cool and very high tech, automated car park, elevator thingy

Osaka at night

Ish on last train back to his appartment

'Le Dernier Metro'

Ish walking back in typhoon (though obviously not directly over us) after having missed last connecting train to his appartment

Mike on horse after walking back to Ish's appartment in the rain

Ish on horse, playground 8th floor



-Vancouver-,-California-,-Japan-,-Hong Kong-

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