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Friends in Fellowship - Our Women's Ministry Group

Women's Ministry

Mission Statement

The Women's Ministry of the Worldwide Church of God provides opportunities for women to fulfill their calling to share in the Great Commission Christ gave to his church. Through service to others, support from other Christian women and through important social contact, Women's Ministry enables women to establish and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ, develop in godly maturity, and share the message of Jesus with the world.


  • We value the commission of the church and women's responsibilites to fulfill that commission.
  • We value our relationship with Jesus Christ and our responsibility to nurture our relationship with God and others.
  • We value the spiritual gifts God has given to women and our responsibility to provide opportunities for meaningful service.
  • We value the spiritual gifts God has given to men and recognize the importance of complimenting those gifts in Christian service.
  • We value our children and youths and our responsibility to nurture their relationships with God and Jesus Christ.
  • We value the unique needs of women and our responsibility to help meet those needs.


  • To identify, utilize and nurture the spiritual gifts God has given to women.
  • To provide a postitive climate for women to experience growth in service to Jesus Christ and his Body.
  • To equip and empower women for effective ministry to others.
  • To be Christ-like examples to our children so as to help and inspire them to use their gifts for God.
  • To reach out to our neighbors, treating them with acceptance and respect, nuturing our relationships and providing an entry point to the church.
  • To address the concerns of women in a multicultural, multiethnic context.
  • To bring women's perspectives to the issues in the church that effect women.
  • To provide avenues of meaningful Christian service for women according to their gifts.

    Our out reach programs include

    Operation Christmas Child
    Foster Parents Plan
    Anselma House

    Women's Ministry Headquarters
    Women's Ministry

    Contact Person
    Cindy Dale