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The trial

When people have been victimized, we too often forget that they have to get through a trial. In a sens, it is as much their trial as it is their assailant's. In my case, I was lucky enough that the persons who did attack me were caught and trialed. It is often not the case.

I had to take the stand and, in a sens, I had to justify to the court that I was a victim and not a participant in what happened to me. My whole life has been scrutinized, I was portraied as, basically, a b* who got just what she deserved by the defense attorneys.

I know that this happens a lot in cases involving rape and sexual harrassment. I have been warned, before I went to testify, that this would be hard on me. I was not prepared for the cruelty of what was said about me. In retrospective, I think that the trial was even harder on me than the attack itself, including all the efforts I had to make to come back to life...

The two guys were very ingenious when it came of finding ways to lure me into their claws. I will tell you here all I learned during and before the trial; the tricks they used, the goal they were pursuing, their motivations for doing it all. I am telling you; if these two had worked as hard toward a noble goal, they would be heroes today...

July 10th 2000
July 12th 2000
July 16th 2000
July 19th 2000
July 22nd 2000
July 28th 2000
August 2nd 2000
August 10th 2000
August 19th 2000
August 28th 2000
September 19th 2000