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A guide to avalible help for Depression

Welcome to my site. At the moment there's only some basic info on some kinds of depression here. More will be added with time, if you want a certain question asked or you think any of the info on this site is wrong or needs adding to, e-mail me (link at bottom of page). And please sign my guestbook, thanx.


Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder

Soon to be added:- Info on Dysthymia Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD) and Post Natal Depression.

Chat Links Books Symptoms

Useful Numbers ;

Samaritans - UK - 0345 909090 - Republic of Ireland - 0850 60 90 90

Careline - 0181 514 1177

Eating Disorders Assocation - 01603 765050

Cruse Bereavement Care - 0181 332 7227

The Manic Depression Fellowship (MDF) - 020 7793 2600

SANELINE - 0345 678 000

Postnatal depression helpline (Monday-Friday 7pm-10pm) - 020 8768 0123

National Schizophrenia Fellowship (NSF) advice line - 0181 974 6814 (Monday-Friday 10am-3pm)

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If you have any questions you think should be on this site or if you think any of the info is wrong or needs improving, or if you simply want to insult me or my site send me an e-mail. (any compliments please put in the guestbook)

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Last updated - 04/05/01