The Sailor Scouts Meet The Pokemon Gang
Part 2

"The Battle"

"It's too dangerous", Sailor Mercury said.

"We wanna help", Ash replied.

"I'd do anything for a kiss from you guys", Brock added. Ash and Misty glared at him.

"Let's go!" Sailor Mars shouted. When they entered the arcade, they saw a giant octopus from the Negaverse standing in the middle of the floor.

"Ew, gross!!!" Sailor Moon said.

"Hey, who are you?" the giant octopus asked.

"I think you guys should know us by now!" Sailor Moon said. "We're the Sailor Scouts!"

"And we're Ash, Misty, and Brock", said Misty. The octopus replied,

"What a bunch of losers. Oh well, they'll be dead in a few minutes." With these words, the octopus unleashrd about 2,000 gallons of water at our two groups of heroes. The Pokemon Gang dodged the attack, but the Scouts weren't quick enough and were knocked unconious. Ash, Misty, and Brock thought fast and decided Ash and Misty should disract the octopus whilr Brock revived the Scouts.

"Hey, you big ugly squid!" Misty said. "Take this! Starmie, Staryou, go!" Misty's two Pokemon didn't do much damage.

"My turn!" said Ash. "Pikachu, Thunder-" he was cut off.

"Prepare for trouble."

"Make it double."

"Great, now we have these clowns to deal with, too", Ash said.

"I can't belive you'd be soooooo stupid to team up with that giant piece of seafood!" Misty added.

"That giant piece of seafood just happens to be helping us catch that Pikachu of yours" Jesse replied. Just as Team Rocket and the giant octopus were about to team up, they heard a voice say,

"Hold it right there!" Of course, it was Sailor Moon. Jupiter and Venus got ready for thier attacks.

"Jupiter Thunder..."

"Venus Cresent Beam.."


"SMASH!!! The two attacks did damage to the octopus and sent Team Rocket running around the room.

"That's your cue!" Sailor Mars said.

"Right!" Sailor Moon replied. Moon Tiara.. MAGIC!!!" With that the octopus turned to moon-dust, and Team Rocket blasted off yet again. The day was saved. As they were walking out of the arcade, Ash said,

"You guys are really the Sailor Scouts?"

"Yeah", Serena replied. "Wierd, huh.

"Hey, you guys", Brock said. "I did save your lives. The least you could do is go out with me."

"NO!!!!!!!!!!" all the Sailor Scouts screamed together.

Maury M.

To be continued in...
Part 3, "An Ending"

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