The Sailor Scouts Meet The Pokemon Gang
Part 1

"A Beginning"

Author's Note: Before you read this story, I wold like to dedicate it to my best friend in the entire universe, Aly E. She slipped and fell on the ice in front of her house, and broke her leg. She has to keep the cast on for six weeks! Aly, I'm gonna request "Lullabye" at the dance just for you. Get well soon!

The Sailor Scouts were arguing about where they should go. They argued for a while before Lita finally said, "I know ! Let's go for ice cream !"

"Sure !!" the other Scouts said in unision.

"Now if we could just find an ice cream parlor..." added Mina.


Somewhere else in Tokyo, the Pokemon Gang were lost. "Ash, not again!" complained Misty. "Why do you always have to get us lost?"

"Sorry", Ash replied. "Where the heck are we anyway?" Brock thought for a moment and then replied,

"I think we're in Tokyo."

"Well, wherever we are, I'm really hot. Let's get ice cream.", Misty said.

"Yeah!!" said Ash and Brock together.


After an hour of searching, the Scouts found an ice cream parlor. As soon as they got in the door, Serena bumped into, who but, Brock. "Sorry", Brock said apoligetically.

"That's okay", Serena replied.

"She's just a total klutz", Raye added. Serena gave her a dirty look. It was then that Brock looked at the Scouts.

"Am I awake?" Brock asked himself out loud. "No, the're too beautiful to be real. Misty, pinch me."

"Sure, what ever you say!" Misty said cheerfully. But instead, of pinching him, she whacked him over the head with a mallet. (I hate that, don't you? It's really stupid, but it's in tons of anime)

"Great job", Raye complimented Misty.

"Yeah, he deserves it", agreed Lita.


"Are we ever gonna get ice cream?" Ash asked impationtly. They were just about to get in line when Serena screamed,

"Oh how CUTE!!!" Of course, she was reffering to Pikachu.

"It's a Pikachu, right?" Amy asked.

"Yeah", Ash said. "It's the first Pokemon I ever got." Mina asked,

"Wanna sit together? Maybe we'll become friends."

"Sure", Brock answered. "By the way, none of you would be interested with going out with me, would you?"

"NO!!!" all the Sailor Scouts screamed together. Finally, they all ordered thier ice cream, except Serena. She was too busy whining,

"WAAAAA!!!" "I forgot my MONEY!!!" She looked at Raye.

"I'm not lending you any money, Serena", she said. "The last time I lent you money, it ended up in a sewer." (No, this does not reffer to ANYTHING, so don't sit for hours trying to figure out what it reffers to.) Everyone looked at her. "Long story", she said.


Amy gave Serena the money, and they sat down. Raye looked at Misty's outfit, which was what she usually wears. (A yellow midriff top with denim shorts and red suspenders.) "Where'd you get that outfit, a dumpster?" Raye asked.

"No", Misty answered. "My mom bought it for me." Raye replied,

" Guess your mom has really bad taste."

"Shut up!" Misty screamed.

"Wow, this is bad!" Ash reacted. "She always fights with me, but it's never this bad."

"Yeah, Raye fights with me a lot, but I think it's only been this bad 20 times", Serena added.

*** "Hey, you guys", Lita said, "I hate to break up our little chat session, but Luna just called us on our Scout Communicators. The Negaverse is draning the arcade customers' energy." With that as thier cue, the Sailor Scouts transformed. "Mercury power!" "Mars power!" "Jupiter power!" " Venus power!" " Moon Prism power!" they screamed, loud enough for the nice people in Cranston, Rhode Island to hear them. They started for the arcade. "Wait!" Ash called after them. "We'll help you. With our Pokemon."

Maury M.

To be continued in...
Part 2, "The Battle"

Author's Note:
Will the Scouts and the Pokemon Gang team up to defeat the Negaverse? To find out, well, read Part 2: The Battle, coming soon. (hopefully)

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