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i'm really really bored. la la la

I'd just like to say what's up to my homies: Spic Mama, Nikki, Virginia aka Hamm, Wes, Sistah Nuge, Spacey, Craigeo, Vicki, MiM, Lumberjack Mack, Psycho Danielle, Grandma, Barley, L dawg 7 aka MAC, Lubey, Gretchen the White Trash Princess, Jermz, Franker (sorry ;X) n all the others. We're just thugs. Hi Mom!

So lets see... I can probably find one thing I dont ike about anyone. I really do hate people. I hate many people, not just you, so dont worry. The things I hate: SACHEM!!!!!!!!!!! Posers..*cough*jon*cough*, Maria the dirty slut, Christians, Boy bands, Wiggers, People who can't deal with other people's differences, "goth" people who "hate the world" because its "so cool to be depressed", people with warts on their tongue like chuck, teachers, so-called "higher authorities", preps, anyone with a dutch-girl hair cut (wa-wa-jared-jewbread-nichi). i also hate pagers, and lucky jon.. hes a poser AND a pager. by the way, he's 3% jewish. this duck's for you. *quack*

By the way, my page is almost always being changed around or things are being added or removed (just some useless information for you) HEY, sign my guestbook you bastards! Make me feel special. Thank you :]

Here's some links:

Updates!!!!! Check it out!

Long Island Edition- The Mullet Militia!!!

What the hell is THIS!?

Don't go here or maybe you should, I dont know.

A link to other links

Me and Mim of LR2K1, otherwise known as Love + Romance 2001, are on tour now with Into the Pink. Coming to a school auditorium near you! Click for dates and general info on us.

And this is other band-type shenanigans called Captain Japan

I proudly present Another Koorby Side Project

Be prepared for intense Randomosity

A very interesting period of history

Questions? Comments?

Does my site suck? Did it induce homocide? Do you wanna see something new on here? Well, I want to know! Email me at!!

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Providing YOU with useless crap since January 2000!

the counter is new. shut up.