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1987 (four episodes)

This was not, in fact, a dramatisation of Geoffrey Willans’ 1950s books about life and the world as seen through the eyes of nigel molesworth, opinionated prep-school educatee, part-time anarchist and chronic bad speller.  The antihero of this series was that self-same molesworth, but this was an affectionate pastiche — concocted by Simon Brett — which relocated the indolent schoolboy to indolent early middle age, beset by the problems of the 1980s but still surrounded by many of the characters from his youth, who likewise retained most of their (repellent) distinguishing features.  Molesworth was played by Willie Rushton, with Penelope Nice as his wife Louise, Clive Swift as the now aged ex-headmaster Grimes, and Robert Harley, Bob Sinfield, Chrissy Roberts and Phil Nice portraying various familiar characters, including the unthinkable adult versions of peason and fotherington-thomas.  Brett also developed a book from the concept, entitled Molesworth Rites Again.

© JB Sumner 1998