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Jimmy's Cricket Team

Radio 2
Series One (date?)
Series Two 1991 (?)
Series Three 1992
Series Four 1993
Series Five 1994
(further series??)

This vehicle for the established star Jimmy Cricket was typically traditional in its format and material, yet the one-liners and sketches still seemed fresh and convincing.  This was largely due to the talents of its veteran writer, the hugely influential and horrendously undervalued Eddie Braben, who was also responsible for shaping most of Morecambe and Wise’s greatest work.  The show cropped up persistently in the Radio 2 schedules and developed a bit of a following, with audiences shouting out the catchphrases on cue: it featured many staples from Cricket’s stage act (the letter from his mother, etc), alongside regular characters including the wailing "Woman Alone", "Stupid Man" — who was no more or less than his name suggests — and Daphne and Cyril Billington, "the most loved and respected husband-and-wife act in the music business", a well-spoken ballroom dancing couple who would start off being nice to each other and almost immediately lapse into insults, Cyril attacking Daphne’s drinking and debauchery, and Daphne (now in a broad Yorkshire accent) laying into Cyril’s snobbishness. Cyril always appeared later in the show to enquire if this was the right studio for the recording of "Wild Flowers of the Hedgerow".  All these parts were played by a small regular cast, consisting of Bill Pertwee, Noreen Kershaw (later a TV director) and Peter Goodwright.

© Peter Bibbings/JB Sumner 1999.  Uploaded 16/5/99