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Control Group Six

Series One 1995 (six episodes)
Series Two 1997 (four episodes)

A series with an experimental format, interspersing unrelated sketches in an unfolding storyline based on the dark-tinged, futuristic thriller genre (cue lots of atmospheric music and drawling narrative).  ‘Control Group Six’ was the name of a prototypical perfect town set up by the all-powerful Company, which in the main plotline was taken over by the mysterious rebel, President Frank: the story followed unwilling Company agent Dr Heaven on his mission to seek out and dispose of him.  Unfortunately, the script (by Richard Bean, Andrew Clifford and Clive Coleman, who also performed the series with Geraldine Fitzgerald) didn’t quite do justice to the premiss, and the sketch elements didn’t really gel with the rest of the show.  A second series picked up the tale after the removal of Frank, with Dr Heaven, against his own better judgement, now installed as puppet dictator.  

© JB Sumner 1998.  Additional information by AR Burford