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Welcome to Pineapple Leader's

Open on: 24 Apr 06
Updated: 04 May 06

This Web Page is all about TWERPS, The Worlds Easiest Role Playing Game.

To introduce you to the TWERPS RPG Basic Rules we are going to create a character and play 18 holes of golf. You will need one ten-sided die (1D10), a pencil, and several sheets of paper. Having the TWERPS Basic Rules, 2nd Edition will be helpful, but not necessary for this introduction to TWERPS. If you have the Basic Rules, make a copy of the character sheet and use it to record your character.

Character Creation

Your Character is going to be created in a slightly different manner than he would, if he was a regular TWERPS character. After all, he is a Pro Golfer and above average in stature and skill. TWERPS characters have one Statistic called Strength.

Roll the 1D10. If you roll 1 thru 7 your Strength is 5. If you roll 8 or 9 your Strength is 6. If you roll 10 your Strength is 7. Write this number down on a sheet of paper. This is your Character Sheet.

It should look like this:

Your Profession is Pro Golfer. This lets you "Play Golf" +1, and "Cheat at Golf" +1. Write this down on your character sheet.

It should look like this:
Pro Golfer (Play Golf +1. Cheat at Golf +1)

Give your character a name.

It is assumed that you have everything you need to play golf (golf shoes, golf glove, golf clubs, and golf clothes) and know what to do with it.

Your Character Sheet should look like this:
Bob Jones or Sally Jones
Pro Golfer (Play Golf +1. Cheat at Golf +1)
Golf Clubs, etc.

Character creation is now complete.


These rules assume that you know something about playing golf in the real world. If you don't, please find someone who does and have them briefly explain the game to you. What follows will then make more sense to you.

The golf course has 18 holes. They are divided into the front and the back nine. If you are pressed for time you can play just the front nine. Each hole is played once and the person who wins the most holes wins the match. Up to four people can play at once, or you can play by yourself. The game is more fun with two or more players.

Each hole is assigned a Difficulty Level.The more difficult the hole, the higher the Difficulty Level. These ratings are from 3 to 7. For each hole you also roll 1D10 to "take into account wind, ball stealing magpies, factory second tees" and other random factors. (Thanks to Milo for pointing this out. You're a Pro.) Thus, for each hole you roll 1D10 and add the Difficulty Level for the hole, to get the Total Difficulty Level for each hole.

Example Hole: Difficulty Level 7.
Tee up the ball and take your shot. Roll 1D10 and add your STRENGTH and +1 for Play Golf (1D10 + STRENGTH + 1 = Your Total). For the hole you roll 1D10 and add the Difficulty Level for the hole (1D10 + 7 = Total Difficulty Level). For this hole, this number will be between 8 and 17. If your total is greater than the total for the hole, you won that hole. If your total is the same or less, you lost that hole. Move on to the next hole.

If more than one person is playing the course at one time, the player who's total exceeds the Difficulty Level by the greatest amount is the winner of that hole. If none of the players roll the Difficulty Level or above, the player with the highest losing roll wins the hole. Move on to the next hole.

After 9 or 18 holes the player who won the highest number of holes is the winner. If the players are tied for the winner, the match is resolved in "sudden death overtime". Play one more hole. The winner of this hole wins the match.

To cheat at golf is a bad thing and should not be done. If you insist. When you roll for each hole add in your Cheat at Golf score (1D10 + STRENGTH + 1(Play Golf) + 1 (Cheat at Golf) = Your Total). It could help you win the hole. But...the other players may catch you cheating, and cheat themselves or report you to the Pro, who will throw you off the course.

Catching a Cheater.
The Cheater rolls 1D10. The Other Players each roll 1D10. If one or more of the Other Players die rolls are greater than the Cheater's roll, he has been caught. The Other Players may now begin cheating or report the Cheater to the Pro, who will throw him off the course. If you cheat while playing by yourself the Course Stewards may catch you. They will just shake their heads in wonder, but nothing will be done about it.

The Golf Course

The Golf Course that you will be playing is a famous one, The Royal St. Marks in Scotland. This is the course where Commander James Bond beat Auric Goldfinger at 18 holes of golf.

The Front Nine
1st Hole. Difficulty Level 7 + 1D10.
2nd Hole. Difficulty Level 5 + 1D10.
3rd Hole. Difficulty Level 7 + 1D10.
4th Hole. Difficulty Level 7 + 1D10.
5th Hole. Difficulty Level 3 + 1D10.
6th Hole. Difficulty Level 5 + 1D10.
7th Hole. Difficulty Level 7 + 1D10.
8th Hole. Difficulty Level 3 + 1D10.
9th Hole. Difficulty Level 7 + 1D10.

The Back Nine
10th Hole. Difficulty Level 5 + 1D10.
11th Hole. Difficulty Level 7 + 1D10.
12th Hole. Difficulty Level 3 + 1D10.
13th Hole. Difficulty Level 7 + 1D10.
14th Hole. Difficulty Level 5 + 1D10.
15th Hole. Difficulty Level 7 + 1D10.
16th Hole. Difficulty Level 3 + 1D10.
17th Hole. Difficulty Level 5 + 1D10.
18th Hole. Difficulty Level 3 + 1D10.

The End


Copyright Notice:  TWERPS: The World's Easiest Role-Playing System and Reindeer Games (tm) and Action Maps (tm) are © 1995 by Gamescience.
Disclaimer:This is a not_for_profit fan website. No money is made from this site. This site is not a challenge to, or, infringement of, any copyrighted, trade marked, or registered trademarked materials. These materials remain the property of their owners, and are used without permission, unless it says otherwise. This site is just for my (and hopefully other peoples) personal amusement. You, not the site owner, are solely responsible for what you do with what you see here. Please use it wisely.


Email: pineappleleader