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I started believing in the Old Ones when I read a story about the Greek 'Daphne'. She was a dryad, and Apollo fell in love with her. Chasing her, she cried out for help to her father, a minor river god. He turned her into a tree called 'laurel', and Apollo found himself hugging a tree. He said, "You will always be sacred to me, and I shall put a crown of your leaves upon champions' heads."

I like that. My name is Laurel.

I'm studying to become Wiccan. Wicca is a religion where you worship the Lord and Lady, other gods, and the earth. I've already tryed meditating several times and it works very well. I even tried an astral projection session once, but I guess you need a lot of practice to do that.

You ask, why a web site? Well, I'm hoping to find more people realize just who they are. People who have always wondered about the kind of magic they aren't supposed to believe in, but want to.

Look around. There isn't much up yet, but I'm trying to get as much done as possible, researching books and web sites. I'm just starting out as Wiccan, so if you have been practicing Wicca for a long time and want to post some things up here, like articles or banners or just anything, feel free to email me.


6-28-00 Have added two links. I am also going to work on the reading list: a friend and I keep going to the library and getting lots at a time. There's going to be a page on religious news, also.

6-27-00 Sorry for the long wait for an update. I added a link, and have another banner! Background from Robin Wood.

6-13-00 Still working on links, and added a Stop The Hate button. The website is about vanquishing bigotism.

6-11-00 I finished my first banner! *Sniff* It's so beautiful. (You must understand that this is the first decent-looking thing I've made on the computer.) Well, if you want to link to me, here it is. :)

6-10-00 I added a couple links and took off the borders. Added a moon thingee where it shows you the moon's current position, the time, ect, at the bottom of the page. *Two minutes later* Okay, the moon thingee doesn't work. I'll keep trying, though. *10 minutes later* Check out the humor page! I added a javascript to make little tiny stars follow the mouse. It's really cool. Sign the guestbook!

6-9-00 I have a guestbook! Yay! The Book of Shadows has more up! STILL trying to get good links. Also, I'm working on making a banner or two for people to link to. It might take awhile, so be patient.

6-8-00 I'm finally going to put up what little is in my Book Of Shadows! Still working on links.

6-7-00 The scroll box is updated, I'm working on the reading page, and I found out that the scroll box puts you in a different window when you click. So, I've put the plain links back down there. There are a lot of good pages out there, and so I'm working on putting up more on the links page.

6-3-00 I got a rose cursor from Comet Cursors, it's really nice. If the pop-up box asks you to upload the cursor program, do. I tried it, and there's a lot of different ones. I also did a scroll box for the links instead of just plain ones. The Witch page is going to be totally redone, the Pictures and Magick pages are down. I'm going to try to finish putting up a list of awesome Wicca books.