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The name alone could bring a smile to many a man's (or woman's) face during the early 80's. Or it could bring terror to a parent, knowing full well that their child was going to be spending ALL the money they had saved working on this wretched game.

Cool Pac-icon here!

Pac-Man was the "Great Satan" to many a parent who wanted their child outdoors, raking leaves, or playing baseball, or anything EXCEPT FOR spending time indoors, at the arcade, playing Pac-Man.
As if Pac-Man in the arcade wasn't bad enough, with the dawn of Atari, Colecovision, Intelivision, and yes, Nintendo, you could now play Pac-Man at home anytime you wanted to. Granted, it wasn't as cool as playing in the arcade, but it would give you a quick "Pac-Man fix" to cure your what ailed you!

Buckner & Garcia on-line!
Check out Buckner & Garcia on-line.
They performed the classic hit "Pac-Man Fever!" Order it from their page!

This page is dedicated to those of us who spent all our money on video games like Pac-Man, pinball, and didn't have any left over to pay for college. I fixed that...I joined the Navy for 4 years and now am in the National Guard, which pays 100% of my tuition. With my GI Bill and other veterans benefits, I was able to afford to buy this nice computer and put up this cool web page. I hope you all were as lucky as I and were able to cure some of your "Pac-Man Fever."
If not, be sure to get Microsoft's "Arcade Classics." You can set the options however you want (even just like the arcade) so you can beat up on those nasty ghosts. I still have nightmares about Blinky!


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