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Bash Brothers

The Bash Brothers were the dawning of a new era in baseball. Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire hit a TON of home runs during the late '80s and early '90s. I loved the A's! I lost my rear betting on them with my gym coach, but it was fun rooting for the A's. I lived in the Bay Area for 2 years, and was fortunate enough to see Big Mac hit one out at the Colosseum. I wish Tony LaRussa, Stew, Canseco, Eck, and especially McGwire were still A's, but oh well. Here's my 2 favorite guys.

Jose Canseco!
Jose Canseco

Jose Canseco was the first 40-40 man. Forty dingers and forty steals in the same season. What a stud!!! After he left the A's, he managed to catch a baseball off his head, and blow out his arm pitching. He dated Madonna, and got busted for driving over 200 miles per hour. What a guy!

Big Mac Attack!
Mark McGwire

Mark McGwire hit 49 home runs his rookie year and has been ripping the ball ever since. You've been living in a cave if you didn't know Big Mac hit 70 home runs in 1998. Mark was easily my favorite Athletic, never doing anything controversial, just hitting the long ball and playing hard. You know, "Chicks dig the long ball!"

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