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Randomly collected quotes and thoughts
related to UNIX (or whatever)...

"Three people can take efficient care of a unix system as long as two of them are dead"
    - Unknown HP-UX mailing list member

"You can't kill zombie processes because they're ALREADY DEAD!" (banging on the desk)
    - Unknown course instructor

"Any human error on a mirrored drive will only make that mistake more efficient"
    - Curtins Preston, Unix backup and recovery

The UNIX administrator's view of sex:
unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; comm; umount; sleep

"Sun has engineers; IBM has suits"
    - An ex co-worker of mine

"As we mentioned, the old name for the del code was "Rubout", and you may see this name
when you examine the settings for your communication program. All that it means is that
the program was designed by an old person."
    - Harley Hahn, Unix Unbound

"Me? I'm 28 years old... in hex"
    - A co-worker of mine

July through Dec 2000