Some NAID memories...

If you've stumbled upon this page, you know what NAID was.

I've managed to keep a few artifacts of this event, the most precious one (in my opinion, anyway) being the original, limited-edition leaflet that was distributed in 1995. I thought you might like to take a look at what I have.

So, here are the pictures of the 8 1/2 by 11-inch leaflets that were given. There was a french and an english version, but I only have the english one.


Update 1999/03/23 - I've also scanned something else that some of you might remember. This is a music disk that was distributed by a music group from Calgary who had Markell Moss (the MC2 winner) in its ranks. Some of the songs on it are quite good.


Update 2003/07/24 - I've stumbled on my NAID 1995 T-Shirt which was buried deep in the basement, so I thought I'd scan it and archive it on this page. I tried to buy another t-shirt in 1996, but I was too late and there weren't any left. However, Pim van Mun has nice looking scans for the 1996 t-shirts here . I also have the two original NAID 1995 and NAID 1996 posters, but I can't scan them. If anybody is interested in buying them, please contact me.

This is the front of the t-shirt with what appears to have been the official NAID 1995 logo. The logo wasn't that big, it was on the top right corner.

And this is an ugly scan of the back that didn't totally fit in my scanner.

Olivier Masse (*) leaving some more mess for my index dot html
December 8th, 1998
March 23rd, 1999
July 24th, 2003

* (formerly Parallax / Surrounders, but never call me by that name).

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