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Born: Valerie Chérès......19 August 1962......Paris, France

Glam (1997) .... Treasure

Dis-moi oui.. (1995) .... Nathalie........AVAILABLE

Mouvements du désir....... aka Desire in Motion(1994).....After a breakup with her lover, Catherine decides to leave Montreal. With her young daughter, she takes the train to Vancouver. The journey gives her time to think things over... and to form a relationship on the rebound. Vincent is also going to Vancouver, planning to meet his girlfriend there, but he and Catherine find themselves increasingly attracted to each other. ........AVAILABLE

Fine è nota, La ..... aka End Is Known, The (1993)

Milena (1991) ...... aka Lover, The ........Prague, 1920. Milena's father wants her to follow in his footsteps and be one of the first female doctors in Czechoslovakia, but she is determined to be a writer. She elopes to Vienna with the Jewish music critic Ernst Pollak, and starts a correspondence with Franz Kafka. She leaves Pollak and returns to Prague with her father, where she befriends and translates Kafka. ........AVAILABLE

Stradivari (1989)

Mon ami le traître (1988) .... Louise....Georges (Thierry Fremont) shares information on others in France in exchange for the authorities forgiving his own transgressions. ........AVAILABLE

Boogie woogie (1987)

La Gitane (1986) .... Mona....... This Philippe De Broca comedy is between a bored middle-class stiff and a much more beautiful, exciting, lawless gypsy female. Hubert Durieux (Claude Brassuer) works in a staid bank job and has to put up with demands from his ex-wife and a daughter who may not have made the right choice in a husband. Other females plague him, but the one who turns him around is a gypsy (Valerie Kaprisky) who first gets his attention by stealing his car. ........AVAILABLE

Année des méduses, L' ..... aka Méduses (1984)....Chris, (Valerie Kaprisky) a sexy teenager who appears mostly bare-breasted on the French Riviera, has a crush on Romain, her mother's lover. In reaction to her inability to attract his attention, she experiments with other risque affairs. ........AVAILABLE

La Femme publique... ... aka Public Woman, The (1984).......An aspiring young actress (Valerie Kaprisky) accepts a leading role in a film version of Dostoyevsky's The Possessed. Dissatisfied by her performance, the eccentric filmmaker (Francis Huster) begins a rigorous course of indoctrination, sexual domination, and acting lessons that leaves the mentally-exhausted girl unable to distinguish between the real world and that of the film. ........AVAILABLE.

Breathless (1983) ...... aka A Bout de Souffle Made in USA w/ Richard Gere ........AVAILABLE

Aphrodite ..(1982) ....... aka Aphrodite.......Harry is a young millionaire on holiday; he takes his yacht to a Greek island, and stays in the mansion of his friend, Count Orloff. The Count organizes a feast there, for three days and three nights, which is the reenactment of the love cult of the Goddess Aphrodite. Harry will meet Pauline (Valerie Kaprisky), a young woman whobecomes his goddess... (Loosely based on Pierre Louïs's novel, "Aphrodite".) ........AVAILABLE

Légitime violence...... (1982)......Valérie Kaprisky and Christopher Lambert in the same film!. ..Yes, she has a nude scene......and Christophe Lambert?. ........AVAILABLE

Une glace avec deux boules (1982)

Hommes préfèrent les grosses*, ... aka Men Prefer Fat Girls (1981)......This French comedy features a large French woman, Josiane Balasko, who, when dumped by her fiance, moves in with Ariane Larteguy, a beautiful model. Early film by Valerie Kaprisky and Daniel Auteuil. ........AVAILABLE

Superbiester* ...... aka Une glace avec deux boules ou je le dis à maman (1981)
