FF3us/FF6j Monster Formations Packs, written by Lord J, May 2000 lord_j@hotmail.com, http://www.angelfire.com/pq/jumparound/index.html These "packs" are indexes to monsters formations. There are two banks of packs, the first one having four possibilities per pack, and the second having only two possibilities. One may compare this to the morph packs. E.g.: When you walk around Narshe, you have four possible monster formations you can encouter. The engine randomise a number and will choose one of the four possible formations encouter. This is the place where the "possibilities" are programmed. I am not aware of the weight of each possibilities, that is if one possibility is harder to get (thinking of the encounter with the brachausaurus) Most interesting is the MSB of the index. If set, the engine will randomise the particular possibility once again, but this time with the following 3 indexes of the selected formation. This feature is not used by the game anyway. Descr.: 1/4 formations encounter Base: F4A00 FF3us/FF6j Length: 4 words (indexes to monster formations) Number of tmp: 256 The next offset works the same way, at the exception that only 2 possibilities can occur. Descr.: 1/2 formations encounter Base: F5200 FF3us/FF6j Length: 2 words (indexes to monster formations) Number of tmp: 256