FF3us/FF6j battle sprites palettes, written by Lord J lord_j@hotmail.com, http://www.angelfire.com/pq/jumparound/index.html Base: 0x2D6500 Total of 8 palettes, 32 bytes longs each Note: transparency bit has no effects indexed by order: pal #0: used by Edgar, Sabin, Celes pal #1: used by Locke pal #2: used by Terra pal #3: used by Strago, Relm, Gau, Gogo, Kefka pal #4: used by Setzer, Cyan, Shadow pal #5: used by Mog, Umaro pal #6: used by Terra as an esper pal #7: all set to white, not used These indexes are used by battle sprites palette assigment (0x2D02B). What's next? at offset 0x2D6600, the items description