Graphic relative location & palettes assigments for monsters of FF3us, written by Lord J, April 2000, Here it is, the last piece of the puzzle for monsters graphic display. The following files are prerequisites: FF3usTileSetup.txt FF6pals.txt SnesTileBm.txt The following offsets will be implied in some argumentations: 0x127A20: monsters palettes 0x12AA20: monsters tiles mapping 0x297200: 8x8 monsters tiles bank Before beginning, we must clarify three things. Palettes are 32 bytes long, that's a fact. But palette indexes point to "half-palettes"; e.g.: index 0x01 would point to offset 0x0010, index 0x02 to 0x0020, even though the first palette covers offset 0x0000 to 0x0020. Second, mapping is done with a special database. Read FF3usTileSetup.txt, for more info. Third, the 8x8 tiles banks start at 0x297200, not all tiles are aligned, wich justify the use of this very database. The monsters bitmaps template: Base: 0x127200 Lenght: 5 bytes: an inverted word: a pointer relative to the tile bank (divided by eight). The MSB, if actvive, indicate the use of 8 colors bitmaps, instead of the standard 16 colors bitmaps. then a byte: bit 7: if equal to one for big stencils, bit 1 & 0: msb of palette idx, others never (??) activated then an index to the palette used, then an index to the map used, depending wether or not this bitmap is a big or normal one (stencil bit). Number of templates: 416 (covers monsters, bosses and Espers) Warning: GhostTrain (index 262) is an exception, graphic handling is done some other way. Number of templates: 0x1A0 256 first for monsters 128 next for bosses 29 next for Espers Analysis on template #1, base: 0x127200, Soldier bitmap: 0x5400 -> pointer 0x0054 * 8 = 0x2A0 -> 0x2A0 + 0x297200 = absolute ROM address of the Soldiers tiles 0x00 -> uses standard 8 by 8 tiles stencils and ??? 0x02 -> use palette #1 (not halved) -> absolute address in ROM: 0x127A20 + (8 * 0x02) 0x01 -> use map #1, relative to the start of the standard 8x8 tiles stencils offset (0x297200 + (8 * 0x01))