Basic VAX/VMS hacking The VAX system runs the VMS (Virtual Memory System) operating system. You know that you have a VAX system when you get a "username" prompt. Type in capital letters, this seems to be standard on VAX's. Type "HELP" and it gives you all of the help that you could possibly want. Here are the default usernames and passwords for VAX's: Username: Password: SYSTEM OPERATOR SYSTEM MANAGER SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSLIB OPERATOR OPERATOR SYSTEST UETP SYSTEST SYSTEST SYSTEST TEST SYSMAINT SYSMAINT SYSMAINT SERVICE SYSMAINT DIGITAL FIELD FIELD FIELD SERVICE GUEST GUEST GUEST unpassworded DEMO DEMO DEMO unpassworded TEST TEST DECNET DECNET Here are some of the VAX/VMS commands: Command: Function: HELP (H) Gives help and list of commands. TYPE (T) View contents of a file. RENAME (REN) Change name of a file. PURGE (PU) Deletes old versions of a file. PRINT (PR) Prints a file. DIRECTORY (DIR) Shows list of files. DIFFERENCES (DIF) Shows differences between files. CREATE (CR) Creates a file. DELETE (DEL) Deletes a file. COPY (COP) Copy a file to another. CONTINUE (C) Continues session. The password file on VAX's are available when you type in the command: SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.DAT The password file on most VAX's are usually not available to normal system users, but try it anyway. If the default logins don't work, use the same means of finding one as stated in Section J. Be VERY careful when hacking VAX's becuase they record every bad login attempt. They are sometimes considered one of the most secure systems. Because of this, I advise not to try hacking these until you are more advanced. But, when you are an advanced hacker, or if you are already an advanced hacker, I advise that you try a few passwords at a time and then wait and try a few more the next day and so on, because when the real user logs on it displays all of the bad login attempts.
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