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Welcome To Judy's World!

My world pretty much centers around my family and friends. My family consists of my husband Gene, who I have been married to for 21 years. I have three grown daughters, Holly , Kimberly, and Shelly. Holly and her daughter Rachel live with us. Kim and her two boys Nicki and Chistopher live near Lansing Mich. Shelly and her husband and four boys, Kyle, Tyler, Gene, and Daniel live near us. So you see we have a pretty big family.


Some of my best friends are the animals I share my life with. Here I am with my two horses: Too Many Shadows and Diamonds Galore. Since this photo was taken Glory(that is what we call her) has presented us with a beautiful little filly. We are still looking for a name for her.

Isn't she cute?~~~UPDATE~~~We have a name! She will be called "Sparkle Plenty"


May 25,2000. Too Many Shadows presented us with a little stud colt. Mare and baby are doing fine. We are going to name him Mr. Moonshadow. Pictures to follow.

This is my daughter Holly with Glory and our filly Sparkle Plenty at five days old. She sure is growing up fast.

If you would like to hear a little more about Standardbred Harness Horse Racing check out my Racing page.
Click Here


.This is my granddaughter Rachel with some more of our extended family. Left to right, Sugar, Skosh and Max. I will introduce you to the rest of my Peaceable Kingdom in the weeks to come.

This is a picture of Lucky. I was on my way home when I saw her limping down the road not far from my house. I stopped and she came right to me and jumped in my truck. I bet you are thinking what a lucky little dog and what a happy ending. Well it hasn't worked out like that yet. If you want to hear more about Lucky and her ordeal I am going to do a page just for her. Click Here


If you think you would like to hear more about me or my thoughts on life and visit some very interesting links I have provided or see some more pictures of my extended family please Click Here
