Where do you wanna go?

If your tastes run to the archaic, try the chapter on 19th century baseball ... the 1990's are eerily reminiscent of the 1890's.

Do you admire the grace of Griffey? The power of Sosa? The rabidness of everybody's favourite felon Joey Belle? The velocity of the vertically challenged munchkin Pedro Martinez? Well meet the men who made it all possible in the Negro Leagues -- A (semi-brief) summary.

If you want to find (he said with nary a trace of modesty) the most comprehensive history in cyberspace of the third major league that challenged the big boys of the American and National Leagues. See the chapter on The Federal League

Do you enjoy a good ol' fashioned dogfight? Well check out my Odie's picks for the Hall-of-Fame. I've devoted an entire chapter to both "Indian Bob" Johnson and "Shoeless Joe" Jackson

And of course, they'll be the weekly Funny Papers, my usual Rant where I chew on a topic with as much vigour as I do an old slipper, as well as our Tabloids Page where I try to obtain a libel suit with two pair of pants. You also may wish to check out my poetry corner which spoofs the best of the worst (or is it worst of the best?)

Also, there'll be the monthly Hydrant Award where we pay a warm, wet tribute someone in baseball who has striven for and attained the highest levels of mediocrity, ineptitude and complete incompetence. If you feel someone qualifies just give me two pats on the head ...

This Site Updated Weekly

Say good-bye to the "Yankee Clipper"

So ... put the leash on me (not so tight ... I'll behave) and I'll take you to ...

1. The Birth Of Major League Baseball
2. The Negro Leagues
3. The Federal League
4. Hall-of-Fame Picks Index
5. The Funny Papers
6. The Weekly Rant
7. The Tabloids
8. The Hydrant Award
9. If you enjoyed; Remember the Alomar ...
10. Comprehensive Baseball Links