Odie's Zany World Of Baseball

"Remember The Alomar"

There was once a young man from an island down south,
With a glove on his hand and spit in his mouth.
He enchanted the ladies who watched at the `Dome,
Until the day came that he decided to roam.

He wanted more money; "My pay's a disgrace...
didn't I help us to capture last place?"

Hey, he did hit .300 and that is a fact,
And that's not easy to do with such a bad back.

It's honestly sore was the theme of his raves,
Would it hurt just as much if he was dealt to the Braves?
So Robbie sat down with a back that was sore,
"We finished dead last, I want three million more."

He then left the Jays, and it was in the cards,
That he's playing for Gillick at Camden Yards.
Come the end of the season, he got in a snit,
"I'm so angry at Hirschbeck that I could just spit!"

This is the whole truth, and it isn't a lie,
With Alomar playing expectorations are high.
Thanks to Selig and Budig, young Robbie was made,
Five days vacation, for which he'll be paid.

But he will have trouble for being so snide,
He now has a strike zone that's thirty feet wide.
All the umpires agree that Robbie's a dork,
"This year we'll give him a reason to hork!"

Going from hero to zero is Robbie's worst fear,
He'll now be rung up on strikes as much as Rob Deer.
And when young Robbie dies, he'll go straight to hell,
And have as a roommate; one Albert Belle!

“My agent and publicist say that I’m sorry”

Intrigued? Am I one sick puppy? It's only the beginning ...

Scratch me twice and see what
neutering a dog does to his mind


All writings contained on these pages is
the property of John Brattain. All material
is copyright 1999 by the author. Content may not be reprinted, duplicated, or distributed without the express written consent of the

Email: brattain@redden.on.ca