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I - he
me - he
you - me
God - Yooz
Seri person - cmique
Seri people - comcáac
man - ctam (pl. ctamcö)
woman - cmaam (pl. cmajíic)


older brother - nyaac
younger sister - acaz
maternal grandfather - aaz
maternal grandmother - act
paternal grandmother - amaz
paternal grandfather - apaz
wife's grandmother - amaquéte
husband's grandmother - aquéec
wife's grandfather - aquéemot
husband's grandfather - aquéetz
his older brother - anyáac
her older brother - amáac
his younger brother - azcz
her younger brother - acaz
his older sister - apáac
her older sister - azáac
his younger sister - acóome
her younger sister - atcz
my younger brother - hicaz (said by a female)
my older brother - himáac (said by a female)
my younger sister - hitcz (said by a female)
my older sister - hizáac (said by a female)
my younger brother - hizcz (said by a male)
my older brother - hinyáac (said by a male)
my younger sister - hicóome (said by a male)
my older sister - hipáac (said by a male)
my father - hii (said by a male)
my father - him (said by a female)


Seri - cmique iitom


Isla Tiburón (seri homeland) - Tahéjöc
Guaymas - Soj Iyat
Punta Chueca - Socáaix
El Desemboque - Haxöl Ihom
Puerto Libertad - Xpano Hax
Baja California - Hant Ihíin


female deer - hap
dog - haxz


mountain bean - haap
bread - simet


day - zaah
tree - hehe
fresh water - hax
salt water - xepe
land - hant
plant - hehe
sea - xepe
rock - hast
mountain - hast
wood - hehe
ocean - xepe


fish - zixcám
eagle - zep
mosquito - cozamlcamáacöl
lobster - ptcamn
dog - haxz (pl. haxaca)
mountain lion - nop (pl. nopxam)


his throat - yam
liver - iyas
head - lit
tongue - apl
knee - aflc
belly - yax
ankle - yacöj
arm - inol
back - ipócj
bone - itac
chest - isnáap
Cheek - itáaca
chin - itamócni
ear - isla
eye - ito
face - yeen
finger - inol
fingernail - inóosj
hair - ina
foot - itóaa
hand - inol
head - ilít
heart - imoz
heel - inzét
hip - iznipátj
mouth - ita
lip - itacóps
nose - iif
skin - ináil
tooth - yaaaj
tongue - ipl
elbow - icös imázjij


knife - enim
house - hamen
pencil - icáaspoj
typewriter - enm an icáaspoj
paper - hapáspoj
newspaper - hapáspoj cmatsj
machine - enm
book - hapáspoj hanóocaj
desk - hant iti icáaspoj
money - tom


liar - cmatsj
few - quipxa
many - catxo
all - coox
high - cola
tall - cola
pretty - cazíim
in - ano, iti
today - zaah hipcop iti
this - hipcop
that - himcom
these - himcoi
a, an - zo
some - pac
who - quih
what - az
when - zimjöc
where - haqui and - xah


run - icapánzx
go - icátax
sing - icóos
look for - ihacáa
see - iháho
he saw - iyóoho
write - caaspoj
paint - caaspoj
be many years old - hant cahátxo
to do many time - cahátxo
to be ___ years old - hant ______


motor - ziix iitax
battery ziix iitax iyas
belt - ziix iitax itj iixquim
headlights - itoj
brakes - itéen ihízlca
hose - yahjij
fan - iquéelexolca
radiator - hax an iisi
muffler - ihíisax an hant yait
windshield - enm an iquíijim ziix cöimahnáxz
spark plugs - xica cooxp
tire - hant imáasij
rim - hant imáasij an ihíij
I am going to take a bath - hax ano hpsaalimaha
Shut up - Ihmái
yes - yohaa
no - saate
I don't know - Ipácta za hxomáa
Do you have any cough medicine ? - Icáazxliicöihíipe zo ntconyáa ?
Do you like it ? - Intquéepe ?
Are you working ? - Me catícpanya ?
The coffee is very strong - Café cop iixaj cah hanso mpoopol
Are you sad ? - Mimoz tmeeet ?
Are you going home ? - Me saanxp queeya ?
Can I take your picture ? - Ma hsaaspoj haaya ?
The dog ate the fish - Hazx quih zixcám com iyóohit
Did the dog eat the fish ? - Hazx quih zixcám com itáhit ?
Is that the one ? - Tiix haaya ?
That's not the one - Tiix imháaha
He will work there - Taax ano satícpan caha
I saw you all - Mazi hyooho
I have nothing to cover me with - Ziix zo cohptmáacötimiho
I want to sing - Icóos ihmíimzo
I can run - Icapánzx ihmíiya
He will be able to sing - Tmoos
He will be able to run - tompánzx
Is he going to go ? - Siitax haaya ?
Is he going to sing ? - Soos haaya ?
Is he going to run ? - Spanzx haaya ?
Do you know how to sing ? - Icóos intáa ?
I want you to eat it - Miihit ihmíimzo
The woman got wet - Cmaam quij xiijc
Pancho killed a rattlesnake - Pancho quih cocázni z imíicö
Pancho and Roberto arrived - Pancho xah Roberto xah yoozcam
Anthough he eats alot, he is thin - Anxö toohit xox, mitéjöc
I know alot - Anxö hocóaha
Who arrived ? - Quihya tafp ?
Did he go ? - tatax ?
Is it blue ? - Toil ?
Are there three - Tapxa ?
The bread is sweet - Simet quij coatjoiha
The Seri man is in the house - Cmique ctam quij haco cop ano quiijiha
Pancho is going to dance - Pancho quih soit caha
Your face is dirty - Inyéen ac quihízlquiha
The man went to another place - Ctam tintica hant z iquii miin
He did not see anyone - Cmique z iyomáho
I dont have any money - Tom zo hyonyáa
The man arrived - ctam zo yoofp
Some people arrived - comcáac pac yoozcam
in the house - hamen ac ano
thank you - Yooz ma samsisíinxo
I am a man - He ctamiha
Is it your dog ? - Me miixzya ?
I want to go - He icatax ihmíimzo
I am consoled - Hiisax yaapl
I saw one - Zo hyooho
I don't have any - Zo hyonyáa
I am happy - Hiisax hant yait
Did he do it like that ? - Ox itái?
Did he say it like that ? - Ox itáai?
Did the dog kill it ? - Haxz cop itácö?
Did the dog bark at him ? - Haxz cop itáacö?
What did he write ? - Az itáaspoj?
He is going to write - Saaspoj caha
He is not writing - Imáaspojiha
He was not tatooed - Ihpyompázt
The man saw the dog - Ctam cop haxz com iyóoho
Have you seen the dog ? (who is sitting) - Haxz quij intáho?
Have you seen the dog ? (who is lying) - Haxz com intáho?
Have you seen the dog ? (who is standing)- Haxz cop intáho?
Have you seen the dog ? (who is moving away) - Haxz tintica ntáho?
Have you seen the dog ? (who is moving near) - Haxz timoca ntáho?
one - tazo two - coocj three - capxa four - czooxöc five - coitom six - isnáap cazoj seven - tomcoj cöquiih eight - czoxolcam nine - csoi chanl ten - chanl eleven - thanl tazo cöquiih twelve - thanl toocj cöquiih thirteen - thanl tapxa cöquiih fourteen - thanl tzooxöc cöquiih fifteen - thanl toitom cöquiih sixteen - thanl isnáap tazoj cöquiih seventeen - thanl tomcoj tiih cöquiih eighteen - thanl tzoxolcam cöquiih nineteen - thanl csoi thanl cöquiih twenty - ihánl coocj thirty - ihánl capxa fourty - ihánl czooxöc fifty - ihánl coitom sixty - ihánl isnáap cazoj seventy - ihánl tomcoj cöquiih eighty - ihánl czoxolcam ninety - ihánl csoi chanl one hundred - ihánl chanl
thousand - ihánl ihánl chanl
Do you feel faint ? - Me yapol yaanimya ?

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