March 1997

Russian Socialism ?????

Some so-called socialists claim:

The World Socialist Movement (WSM) claims:

We have in many articles and at many times given reasons for the WSM's claims. This article is intended not to rehash those arguments, but to show that the Bolsheviks never expected to set up socialism in 1917, that from the outset their supposed "workers' state" intentionally directed its oppression against the workers, and was actually state capitalism.

We quote Vladimir Ilich (Nikolai) Lenin, from Selected Works, Volume VII. Original publication dates and titles are shown as well. Page numbers are from Selected Works.

We do not agree with all of the comments Lenin makes in these quotes, especially when he claims that the Soviet Socialist Republic was socialist, and his assertion that "state monopoly capitalism is the fullest material preparation for socialism". But the quotations do show that the WSM is correct about the points noted above.

A very few, significant events relative to state capitalism and workers' power from the outset of Bolshevik power.

All are taken from The Bolsheviks & Workers' Control; Maurice Brinton; Black Rose; 1975.

Dates shown in this section are old-style dates, hence the November revolution occurred on 25 October by the old Russian calendar.

Note: Soviets and factory committees were bodies elected by the workers.

Not all of the Bolsheviks agreed with Lenin. But the vanguard approach gave the tiny vanguard at the head of the Bolshevik vanguard enough power to impose its will. This is not surprising, it is a structurally inherent feature of vanguardism.

Socialism can only be established when the material conditions of society, including productive capability and working class understanding, exist in society. In Russia in 1917, those conditions did not exist. The Bolshevik vanguard clearly recognized this.

The vanguard approach of Lenin, Trotsky, and others requires that those who disagree be forced into submission. Lenin's support for using "barbarian methods" to achieve state capitalism and his demand for "unquestioning submission" clearly shows the Bolshevik policy of anti-democratic, anti-worker actions. If in the 1920s, or even the 1930s, this had ended and something that a rational individual could call a "workers' state" had come into existence, then the World Socialist Movement might have had to admit to making a mistake on this point. But the oppression of the Russians, and the rest of the Russian empire, continued for another 50 years after that.

The vanguard leader, Lenin, knew that he was not about to establish socialism in 1917. He intended before the 1917 revolution to implement state capitalism, which just like any other form of capitalism, must be forced using "barbarian methods," on the working class population.

When it was beneficial to the Bolsheviks, they said "all power to the Soviets." Within a month of taking power they had dissolved one of those soviets, and dissolved another 17 days later. The Bolsheviks had no problem at all with their "worker's state" suppressing workers' expressions of power.

When it was beneficial to the Bolsheviks, they said "all power to the Factory Committees," but 9 days after taking power, they subordinated the factory committees to the trades unions and congresses which were more under the control of the Bolsheviks, and to the state itself under the direct control of the Bolsheviks.

No vanguard can establish socialism, not even one which doesn't plan to oppress the working class. Socialism will be established by the working class, democratically, because that is the only possible way to establish a cooperative democratic society.

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