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Day After Day

Chapter 1: Missing You

Deep in the realms of fairyland on the borders of London England lied a castle. In this castle was the Princess Maribeth who lived amoung the Faye,though she wasn't one herself. She was beatiful and quite stunning,and the Faye had blessed her with certain abilities making her a Sorceress. She was seated beside her window in the castle tower and looked out upon her land. She was in a melancholy mood,missing someone, she didn't know. She knew she loved him,he belonged to her,he loved and miss her too, and he was hansome. Maribeth held a crystal ball,turned it a certain way like a juggler and looked into it. She saw a man seated at a piano looking frustrated but playing. She concluded he was working on something. She blew on the crystal and it floated away like a bubble. All the time she gazed at the image on it of the man.

At the same time in a lovely house in England was the man Maribeth saw in the crystal. He too felt as she did,wisful and missing someone. Suddenly he was nowhere.

In America Ronnie Martin and Jeff Cloud sat in Ronnie's living room talking about rock'n'roll and just hanging out. "Listen do you hear something?" Ronnie asked Jeff. A faint sound came from nowhere carried on the wind from someplace else. It sounded like someone singing.

"I've read the headlines covering your wall a thousand lifetimes you must of lived them all. We took our chances I love the way you fall. Over there I see you over there tossed around the sun I can feel you everywhere tonight. Don't leave me cold..."
"Where's that coming from?" Ronnie asked. "Did you leave a CD on maybe?" Jeff asked. "No I've never heard that song before" Ronnie asked. "Look at that!" Jeff said. A bubble came floating in the room, inside the buble was an image of a man with a guitar singing for an audience of a strange group of masked people. "What is that?" Ronnie said getting up off the couch and holding the bubble like thing in one hand. "I don't know, it looks like a bubble"Jeff said. "It's no bubble, and it feels like crystal!" Ronnie said. Suddenly they were not in Ronnie's living room but amoung the mkased audience watching the man on stage.
"Dreams don't always come true. Cold. Living without you Cold" the man sang. The song was beautiful and lovely and sometimes sounded a little dark. When the song ended the man pointed to Ronnie and Jeff and waved at them to follow him. Ronnie and Jeff followed him to a room backstage. "You two aren't maksed?" the man said in a british accent. "We didn't know we had to be, Sir" Ronnie said. "See we really didn't even mean to come here"Jeff said. "Neither did I" the man said,then, "You are from our world?"
"Yes" Ronnie and Jeff agreed. "I don't think the people here are exactly human. My name is Julian, I'm from England and here on a quest" the man said. "I thought you said you didn't mean to come here?" Ronnie said. "I didn't but now that I'm here I can feel her more strongly" Julian said with a hopeful look in his eyes. "Who?" Jeff asked. "The woman I love. I don't know who she is or where she is. But I know she's alive and I want to find her than I'll make her my wife"Julian said. Ronnie and Jeff looked at eachother as if to say 'this guys crazy.' "Will you help me find her?" Julian asked. "Well seeing as how we don't have much else to do here in this world Okay" Ronnie said. "I'm Ronnie and this is Jeff" Ronnie said introducing himself and Jeff. "Nice to meet you" Julian said shaking their hands.

Chapter 2: The Fire & The Woman

"Come on let's get out of here" Julian said standing up. Julian was a young looking man,with dark hair,and almond shaped eyes,he was dressed in a white long sleeved shirt,a tie, and black pants. He put his ear to the door. "Come on" he said waving his hand for them to follow him. Julian opened a door in the back of the room. The sun light poured in upon them as they stepped outside and took a deep breath of fresh air. Julian slapped Ronnie on the back. "Well chap we're off!" Julian told him smiling. They hadn't long to walk till they came to a line of fire,through it they could see a woman in a green dress. "It's her! It's her!" Julian said franticly. "How do you know that?!" Jeff said. "I know I know I just know" Julian answered taking off his tie. There was no way to her but through the fire. Julian was about to jump in when Ronnie stopped him. "What are you doing?!" Ronnie demanded. "Juli-an Juli-an" the woman called to him in a sing song voice. "Listen to the way she calls to me!" Julian said in the most pitiful tone of voice Ronnie ever heard, and before you could say jack rabbit Julian jumped in the fire and nobody was able to stop him! "Julian! Yah you crazy?!" Ronnie screamed out of sheer terror! He had never seen anything like that before! A strong cool wind blew,stronger than any wind Ronnie or Jeff had ever felt before, so strong they had to curl up to keep themselves from blowing away. When the wind stopped they lifted up their heads and saw the fire was gone. Remaining was Julian and the woman in the green dress. Julian was unharmed yet something seemed strangely altered some how. He was talking to the woman and making her smile and laugh. Ronnie and Jeff looked at eachother then went up to them. "Her name is Maribeth" Julian said with the most delighted look on his face. "I think I may of brought you all here by mistake [gazing in Julian's eyes] but I'm so glad I did" she said. "My house isn't far from here. My father's coming home today too! He's been away in the war, he's General actauly and in charge of recruiting soliders. He's not back for good though, he's merely in the middle of transfering to lead another troop in a place that's even farther away" Maribeth looked sad as she spoke of her father and it made Julian want to wrap his arms around her but he refrained himself.

Chapter 3: Daddy's Work Is Never Done

Everyone was expecting Maribeth's house to be a cottage or maybe even a large sort of country house, but no one was expecting a castle! She showed them their quarters, Ronnie and Jeff shared a room but she gave Julian his own. Ronnie and Jeff's room was painted coral with matching curtains,and a matching bed. The window was open and let the breeze through. It was now sunset and Ronnie stood there at the window looking at the view and smelling the sweet scents the breeze brought in. "This is by far a much nicer world than our own, but there's something it misses which makes me want to leave it to run on home" Ronnie said. "What's that?" Jeff asked. "Melissa and Beth" Ronnie sighed. Jeff nodded knowing the feeling, he missed his own wife and children. Someone opened the door and came into the room. It was a blue fairy! She was beautiful but everything about her was blue, her hair,her eyes,her skin,her wings,and even her clothes! She curtsied gracefuly as she held a trey. "The Misses thought you would enjoy some tea" she bowed in the fashion much like an oriental person and left the room. They were soon called down to dinner where they were re-united with Julian. Maribeth's father just entered the dining room and everybody was silent and still. "Father!" Maribeth cried and ran to her father and he embraced ger. They both cried as they held eachother. "I've missed you so much Father! I've been so alone!" Maribeth cried. "I know, I know, it's true I know. Daddy's work is never done" he told her trying to soothe her like she was a small child. "Father" she said, pulling herself away and getting a hold of herself. "I want you to meet someone. This is Julian and his friends Ronnie and Jeff" she said. "They are from that other world?" her father asked. "Yes father. I may of brought them here by mistake" she said. "Well I'm pleased to meet you, all of you" her father said. A week passed and all went very pleasently. Julian was fond of taking walks with Maribeth's father in the morning. He eventualy learned all there was to know about her father, and Maribeth herself. On one of these occasions Julian had something very important to ask him. "As you know sir, me and Maribeth, have gotten quite fond of eachother" Julian said. "Yes yes I know" her father said, his eyes brightening. "I'd like your permission to ask for her hand in marriage" Juliad had to speak fast just to get it all out. "Oh oh well" her father said, his manner and tone of voice becoming quite serious. "If you really love and want my daughter you will be a solider under me in this war" he said. "If that's what it takes for me to have her and prove my love for her to you, then that's what I'll do" he said. "Good, and oh you won't ask her till you got back, right?" her father said. "Oh sir please don't-" Julian begged."Tah tah tah" her father interupted. "It will be much easier for her then. Just encase you don't make it back" her father smiled and put on his top hat then turned and walked away to somewhere in the darkness. Julian ran back to the castle and into Ronnie and Jeff's quarters where they were taking tea and blowing bubbles. Julian threw himself on the bed. Ronnie put down the bubble wand and went over to his side. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I want to ask Maribeth to marry me, but before I can do that I have to go fight in the wat, or I can't have her"Julian said. "Oh, I see. I'll go with you. I have the feeling I won't be able to go home untill you marry her, and I'll do anything to get back to my wife and child. I miss them deeply" Ronnie said. Julian cocked his head to one side as he held a pillow close to his chest. "I didn't know you were married" he said. "Yes" Ronnie answered. "Then you must know something about picking out engagement rings then?" Julian said. "I guess I know a little" Ronnie said smiling and putting his hand over his shoulder. Julian smiled too. "How old are you?" Ronnie asked. "38" Julian answered. Ronnie's eyes widened. "Wow so you're older than me then? I thought you were younger" Ronnie said. "Lot's of people think I look younger than 38, pretty nice actualy" Julian said still smiling. A completly red fairy entered the room. "Hey Bridget! Bridget!" Julian said sitting up. "Yes?" the fairy said putting down another trey of tea. "You know where the growing stones are don't you?" Julian said. "Yes I go there all the time" the fairy said smiling. "Will you take me, Ronnie, and Jeff there?" he asked. "Yes we will go tonight while the moon is full" she said offering her hand to Julian. He took it and felt very much like a small boy as she led him out the castle and into the forest. Ronnie and Jeff followed close behind. Beautiful diamond jewels actualy grew on plants of gold! "Which one should I pick?" Julian asked. "Go for something pretty" Jeff said. "How 'bout that heart shaped one?" Ronnie suggested. Julian picked the heart shaped diamond and immediately the stem curled and the diamond flower turned into a beautiful ring! "Julian what are you doing here?" A sweet female voice asked. "Maribeth!" Julian said and dropped the ring he picked it up and hid it in his pocket. "Come on let's take a walk" she said grabbing his hand. "We'll just uh go back to the castle" Ronnie said knowing they would want some privacy.

Chapter 4: The Midnight Walk

Maribeth led Julian out of the forest and onto a beach. Something caught her eye as it sparkled in the moonlight on the sand. She went for it and held it up high. "Oh Julian look how beautiful it is!" she said. "It must of fell out of my pocket! You weren't supposed to find that!" he said. She looked at him with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. He took her soft hand and bent down on one knee. "Maribeth, will you marry me?" he asked. "Oh Jules yes!" she said. He stood up and placed the ring on her hand. She held him close and kissed him. He wanted this moment to last forever. They walked hand in hand on the beach together. The waves washed up on the sand and he especialy liked it when the water came around her ankles, though, he didn't know why. He explained to her as delicately as possible that he had to go away to war, but he'd maker his way back to her some how.

Chapter 5: The Army

Julian,Jeff,and Ronnie all had their military uniformas,their bags packed,and had arrived at the army base. They were in the bed quarters picking out their bunks when the General and the rest of their troop came in. He yelled a command, they stood up straight all in a line. He walked down, harrasing a few soliders here and there. When he came to Ronnie he said his unusal hair had to go, when he came to Jeff he said very good solider, when he came to Julian he slapped him in the face. "What are you crying for your Mummy?" the General yelled in his face. "No" Julian said under his breath. "No what?!" the General yelled. "Sir no sir" Julian yelled back, like a true solider. "Now listen up, as long as you boys are here you belong to me! No mummy,no wife,no nothin' mine! At the crack of dawn I will be whipping you soliders into shape.." The General's voice trailed on. All Julian could think of was Maribeth and getting back to her. The next morning before sunrise Julian said a prayer for her then had to march out with the rest of the troop. The following days were gruling. Thankfuly he didn't have to go through it for much longer, they were going to attack soon.

In the middle of the night Ronnie woke up to what sounded like a hurricane warning. "Jeff are you awake?" he asked. No answer. "Julian do you hear that?" Ronnie asked. "Yes. It's an alarm. We have to get dressed" Julian's tone was so montonous and dead sounding it was frightening to Ronnie. The General came in and announced they were under attack. They all marched out into a huge battlefield of gun fire. Julian wanted to run away,Ronnie wanted to throw up,and Jeff was too tired to fully relise what was going on. Ronnie hid behind a fort and could hardly bring himself to shoot. Julian had his back but he too was scared. He fired his gun,he hit a man. He hit a man! He watched in horror as the man fell down dead right before his eyes. Julian sat behind the fort and closed his eyes. He cast a look to Ronnie saying don't shoot if you can help it. Jeff was shooting more than either of them and they crawled when he crawled. Julian was in the middle of crawling when he saw someone aim for Ronnie. He pushed Ronnie out of the way and was knocked to the ground. Was he hit? He felt himself. No he didn't feel shot. He got up, tried to breath and fell back. What happened? Everything went black.

He woke up in a first aid tent. The doctor helped him sit up and then proceeded to wrap guaze around his chest. "You broke a rib. This should help you keep from straining it" the doctor said. They brought a young man in, crying and screaming. "No please don't! Oh God don't let them do it!" he screamed. The doctor's offered him some whiskey, Julian watched as they proceeded to cut his leg off. The man screamed and Julian ran out of the tent screaming,frightened,shaken,and screaming himself. He found Ronnie outside grabbed onto him and yelled, "They cut his leg off! They cut his leg off!"

"What? How are you?" Ronnie said. Julian ran back to the quarters. He got on his bunk,rocked himself and cried. He took a peice of paper and pen.

Dear Maribeth, his letter started.

Where you are is the only place I want to be. And love is war, and war is cold when you're so far across the sea. Still, I'm alive,still in love, hope this letter finds you well. Through the blood, through the flames, I can hear those wedding bells.
Yours truly,

Julian put the letter away and then went to sleep. All night he dreamed of his and Maribeth's walk on the beach.

Chapter 6: The Winds Of Peace

Due to his rib injury Julian was transfered to work at sea on one of the ships. Somehow Ronnie and Jeff,though perfectly healthy somehow got themselves transfered along with him. He was grateful yet he knew they only did these things so they could get back to their fammilies,still it didn't stop his growing affection towards Ronnie. Working on a ship was better for him,yet the constant fear of getting sunk,and the contsant guilt of sinking other ships was stil havic on his nerves and emotions. Him,Ronnie,and Jeff were raising a sail when the wind changed. A sound like a cannon shot through the air,and he saw three figures fall from the sky, looking like lightening. They stood up,looking like men but taller than giants in the ocean,the waves only went up to their knees. One of them reached his hand in the ocean and stirred the water. A whirl pool had formed under them and they started to sink! The men scrambled for a life boat. "Come on Jules!" Ronnie screamed. Julian turned around and relised he was the only one left on the boat. A man in the boat with Ronnie cut the rope and they left him! "Julian! Julian!" Ronnie's screams were loud,but couldn't break the howling of the wind. "What do you want?!" Julian screamed up at the figures. They were silent. The waves forced themselves into the boat,he was panicked,frightened,and wet. A wave knocked him down,he got chocked on the water forcing itself into his mouth. He got up and looked into figures faces as best as he could. "They say the answer's written in the wind! Tell me how to get back to Maribeth! Tell me what to do! I don't want to die!" Julian screamed. "Your love is stronger than the millions miles that seperate you" the figures sang. He looked around in the wind and water and saw something rocking tied on to the side of the boat. There was one boat left! He scrambled fighting against everything to get to it. He couldn't see for the waves and wind and his uniform was so heavy it threw off his balance. He blindly fell into the boat, he sat up tired and took out a knife from his pocket. He cut the ropes that tied the boat, it fell hard and fast onto the water. He reached for the oars and found he had lost one. He roared as best he could with that one oar. Still he heard the figures sing. He rowed with all his strength. He rowed untill he fell asleep without relising it.

Chapter 7: I'm Making My Way

He woke up to something wet falling on his face. It was raining and his boat was filled with water. He took off his helment and started to scoop the water out. As the day went on the clouds broke,the rain stopped,and he countinued to row. He looked up at the sky and saw a rainbow. "I love you Maribeth and I'm making my way" he said.

Back home Maribeth heard his words carried on the wind. "Jules!" she cried, She often cried out of worry for his life,and out of joy whenever she got a letter and knew he was still alive. Yet after awhile his letters ceased and she didn't know if he was alive or dead. Ronnie and Jeff got relieved of their war duty and told her of the sinking ship and how they left him. Everyone told her he must be dead,but she hoped. "I've heard his voice! I've heard his voice!" she cried. "It was probly just your imagination" her father told her. "But you know I'm not like other people! I know I heard his voice! And he's coming home to me, he said so!" she said as she smiled through her tears. She sat on the beach all day waiting for something,what she didn't know. Her father gazed on her worrying about her sanity. When night fell she started getting sleepy but something caught her eye, it was a light out on the water! How she hoped it would be him! It got closer and closer! It was nothing but a ship. "Lies! All lies! He never came to you beyond another world! You didn't bring him or the others here by accident! He's dead to you Maribeth! Hear me?! DEAD TO YOU!!" she shouted at herself, but she knew the harsh words weren't true,she didn't mean them. She fell on the sand and wept. "Oh Julian,I'm so sorry! He's not dead" she cried so meekly. "He's not dead" her voice managed to squeak.

The next day in the hottest part of the afternoon Julian spotted something. "Land!" he shouted, "Land!" he kept shouting and laughing and rowing towards it as best as he could. When he got close enough,he abandoned his row boat and swam the rest of the way. He ran to who knows where. It was land dry land! "If my prayers are answered now!" he said. Maribeth raised her head from the window cill of inside her house. "If my prayers are answered now" she said. She went and opened the door,Julian was standing outside! "Julian!" she screamed. "Maribeth!" he screamed back. She looked so beautiful in her long white dress, he embraced her,he danced with her,he made her laugh how he loved making her laugh!

Chapter 8: Not To Be Trusted

Maribeth's father grew steadily more and more uncomfortable and jealous of Julian. At night he overheard him reading a bedtime story to his little girl! Was he now not only going to play lover but father as well?! How dare he?!! How sick!!! "You do the most wonderful voices Jules" she said."Well I love you making you laugh" he returned. He followed Julian into his bed chamber,Julian didn't notice. He hid and watched as he undressed and climbed into bed. He than sprang out of hiding and jumped onto Julian. "I'll kill you with my bare hands!! Why didn't you die in the war?!" her father screamed and had his hands around Julian's throat. Julian grabbed onto her father's wrist trying to free himself. "Aren't you taking the news a bit too hard?" Julian said as best as he could. "Aaaagh!" her father screamed offended at his manner and tried the more to kill him! Maribeth,hearing a sound entered the room and was devestated at what she saw. "Ronnie! Jeff!" she screamed. They entered right away and pulled her father off of Julian and tied him up. "Julian"she cried and hugged him. "If my father's not to be trusted what will happen to us? Where will I go?" she said. "Maribeth, do you remember how you brought us here? If you can put us back, you can come with me and we'll marry in my world. My mum will love you!" he said. "Follow me" she said. She led them to her tower and got out some crystal balls. She tried to imagine what his world was like,it appeared in the ball. "So, is that what it really looks like?" she said. The ball showed her London. "Wait! Return them first" Julian said. The ball showed California then. Maribeth threw the ball at Ronnie and Jeff it absorbed them. She held it in her hand and blew it like a bubble out the window. She took another crystal,held Julian's hand and London showed in it. Both her and Julian touched the buble, it absorbed them in a flash of golden light. They sat down everything around them was rainbow colored like when the sun hits a soap bubble. "Bubble take us home" she said. They could feel themselves floating. The light around them kept changing to a lighter and lighter blue, faster and faster, 'till finnaly everything around them shattered,like a fine champagne glass. They fell onto Julian's living room floor. He looked up the meterenome was still ticking on his piano. He smiled and looked at her,she smiled back and held his hand. "Julian? Julian? Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interupt anything" a pretty voice said. It was his mother, Cynthia as she entered the house. Julian and Maribeth stood up and straightened their clothes. "Mum this is Maribeth. We're to be married" he said. Her face lit up. "Well it's about time!" she said and hugged Maribeth. The two got on great! And the wedding was beautiful. Ronnie and Jeff for a long time thought it was all a dream,yet they had a fondness of their wives even greater than before. One day a crystal floated into Ronnie's living room when they were hanging out. Inside the crystal they saw Julian bouncing a baby boy who favoured him on his knee.