
Tattoos and piercing are ok if that's something you really want to do to your body. Personally I'll never get anything pierced, but I do have one tattoo so far. I don't have any problems with anyone who smokes, drinks, or does any type of drugs, but its not something that I personally choose to do. I think the news they show you on television and in the papers isn't always the most important news to the world as a whole. For example when the whole El Nino thing happened we constantly heard about how weird our weather was, but all the while people who depend on that weather to take place every year in South America were screwed. Many of them died because do to the huge weather change they got flooded and hundreds of thousands died in mud slides and other natural disasters. I think people need to step back every once in awhile and look at what's really important to them in life, family and friends, not money and material posessions. I'm not saying material things aren't nice and they do make our lives a lot easier, but they shouldn't be our focus in life. I personally don't believe in God its a really great thought, but there isn't any proof of his/her existance. Now I was raised Catholic. The Roman Catholic Church has a great way for its followers to get into heaven, you have to buy your way in. Good Catholics who go to church and the whole nine yards have to pay a fair amount of money. Between the Church asking for donations by phone and mail and the collection plate it can add up to be a decent amount of money. I find it really hard to believe that God who is supposed to love everyone no matter what cares how much you've paid some guy in Rome. It also shouldn't matter if you eat meat on Fridays or not. Does anyone actually believe that what you choose to eat on a given day determines whether or not you go to heaven or hell? I never understood that concept, if someone knows the reason please let me know I'd love to hear why. Wal-Mart seems to think that they can censor our music, in terms of the look of albums as well as the lyrics. They will not sell ANY cd or tape that contains any language or messages that they deem to be harmful. Who the fuck are they to decide what people want to hear? They ask artists to change their lyrics and/or album covers to something that's less offensive. Who are they to say what's offensive and what's not? To my disgust artists have changed lyrics and covers just for Wal-Mart. To them I say FUCK OFF! YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF SELL-OUTS! STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE RIGHT! By the way I do not shop at Wal-Mart, fuck them! Now I want everyone who reads this to remember that these are MY views. I would hope that everyone can respect what I think and believe whether you agree with me or not. I respect everyone else's views even though I don't always agree with them. Well I've bitched enough for now. I'm sure I'll add more later. Peace.