Chapter 8
'What Tribe Do You Belong To?' Immediate and Contested Community


Part I. Communitas or Heterotopia?

Many Meanings, Many 'ConFests'

Sensual Solidarity: Return to 'the People's Second Life'
Orgiasm and Conviviality: Communitas Corporealised

Part II. Two 'Tribes'?

Coming Home: the ConFest Family
Going 'Tribal': the Village People
*Tek Know Trance Dance
The Organic Network and Nomadism
Being Together: the ConFest Spirit(uality)

Boundary Contests
Counter-Community Under Threat

Music Wars: the Battle of the 'Bands'
Deterritorialisation: Slipping out of the Nets
The Trouble with Techno(logy)
The 'Tribal' Beat Goes On ... and On

Part III. Magic Happens: 'The Triumph of Community'

*'The Bridge'
*The Compromise


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