Appendix C: Informants - Brief Biographies

This appendix consists of brief biographicals of questionnaire respondents and interviewees whose comments are incorporated in the thesis. There are four classifications of respondent: 'int' (interviewee), 'pq' (paper questionnaire respondent), 'eq' (electronic questionnaire respondent), or 'sq' (special questionnaire respondent).

Acacia. Female, mid 20s. Activist, musician. Member of Food Not Bombs Melbourne chapter, Co-ordinator of Food Not Bombs (int. Moama IV).

Ambrosia. Female, 30s. Community development. Gave up a cruise she won on the Wheel of Fortune to come to this, her first, ConFest (int. Moama IV).

Amulla. Female, 34. Small business/student/homekeeper/mother (pq. 1994).

Anthony. Male, early 30s. Activist, committed to non-violent social change. Co-architect of the ConFest Safety Project or Pt'chang (int. Moama IV).

Ariel. Female, 23. Writer (pq. 1994).

Baekia. Male, 24. Student with interests in yoga, mathematics and computers (eq. 25/9/98).

Bandicoot. Male mid 20s. Cabinet maker turned activist. East Gippsland forest campaigner and GECO volunteer (int. Gum Lodge II).

Banyalla. Male, 40s. Veteran activist and blockade strategist. Long history with GECO. One time Greenpeace canvasser, inspired by the American Yippie movement and Earth First! Forest co-ordinator (int. Moama IV).

Belalie. Male, late 20s. Activist and GECO volunteer. Operates tree climbing workshops (int. Moama IV).

Benny Zable. ('Zany Bubbles'). Male, 40s. Environmental artist, human-sculpture peace activist, dancer. Cotter veteran (int. January 1995, Nimbin).

Bilby. Male 30s (int. Moama V).

Boobialla. Male, 53. Lecturer. Facilitated philosophy discussion groups at Toc III. (pq. 1994).

Cedar.Male, 31. Self-help groups activist. Facilitator of 'flirting' and 'radical intimacy' workshops and co-ordinator of community villages including Community Springs. Involved with Pt'chang (int. February 1996, Melb.).

Cestrum. Male, 37. Househusband (pq. 1994).

Cheryl. Female, 40s. School teacher. DTE secretary. Director from June 1999 (int. Birdlands).

Chris. Male, late 20s. DTE director from 1995-97. Involved in ConFest first aid and 'security' which he dubbed 'the Pt'chang patrol' (int. March 1996, Melb.).

Cockatoo. Male, 70. Retired geologist, promotes group therapy. Elder, involved in DTE Vic from 1981 and has been DTE director, treasurer and site co-ordinator intermittently over that period (pq. 1995, and int. December 1995 at Birdlands site).

Cooba. Male, 20s. Artist, associated with the multimedia sculpture group Futurelic (int. Moama IV).

Coquito. Male, 40s. Owns Earth Car Rentals in Byron Bay and is affiliated with Astro, an alternative technology group. Attended Bredbo, helped co-ordinate early DTE (Vic) events (int - Sep 1996, AOF gathering).

Corella. Female, 60. Mother, former teacher of languages at secondary schools (pq. 1994).

Cypress. Male, late 30s. Ex-Australian army. Bricklayer. Fire-walk officiant. Creator of Warrior (int. Toc IV).

Dalgy. Female, 27. Student and circus trainer. Juggler and fire dancer, involved in the Earth Circus (pq. 1994).

Dama. Male, 40s. Fire-ritual technician. Co-founder of the international industrial sculpture group Mutoid Waste Co. which constructed the 'car-henge' at Walwa III. Inspirator of EarthDream 2000 (int. Moama V).

David Cruise. Male, late 50s. Sales background. DTE director in early nineties and between 1995-1998. Encouraged open democratic process in phase III (interviewed twice: June 1994, Melb. and Moama V).

Emu. Female, 34. Entrepreneur (pq. 1995).

Epicris. Male, 30s. Computer systems administrator. Facilitated the TAZ-Cyber village at Birdlands (int. Birdlands).

Fulmar. Male, 23. Telephone interviewer (pq. 1994).

George. Male, 67. Author, and teacher of holistic massage with training in Gestalt therapy. Founder of the School of Holistic Massage and the Massage Association of Australia. Member of 'the 12' and long serving director. Produced ConFest handbooks and short histories of DTE. Left DTE/ConFests in 1995 schism (int. May 1994, Melb.).

Graham. Male, 60. Background in the self-help rehabilitation of criminals in PNG. First ConFest was French Island. Long serving director, secretary and site co-ordinator (pq 1994, and int. Moama V).

Greenfinch. Male, 43. Engineer (computer, sound and lighting) with an interest in alternative technology. Attempted to create a community food kitchen at Walwa III. Involved in Earth Sharing. Operates the solar stage (int. Moama IV).

Gum. Male, 41. Background in sales and landscaping, now taking 'a certain amount of joy in accepting the dole from the government'. First ConFest was at Berri. Member of the Spiritual Healers Association (int. Moama V).

Gundabluey. Male, 50s. Psychologist, criminologist, writer, with 4 diplomas and 'professionally unemployed'. DTE director between 1991-94 (int. Toc III).

Hakea. Female, 41. 'Artist, ex-art teacher, on the dole'. Poet, involved with Melbourne Street Poets (pq. 1995).

Isha. Female, 40s. Trained in stage acting, worked in professional theatre, a 'Zen-Buddhist Christian barefoot hippy cosmic kiddy'. Bredbo veteran. Children's village co-ordinator (int. August 24 1996, St Andrew Market).

Janet. Female, 27. Runs an entertainment and management agency for bands. DTE director between 1996-98. Information tent co-ordinator (int. Moama V).

Jessika. Female, 41. Research Assistant (epidemiology) with a MA in political psychology. Affiliated with EarthSharing, the local branch of the Henry George Foundation, and editor of Progress, the journal of Land/Tax Reform Australia. EarthSharing co-ordinator. DTE director from 1998 (sq. 1997).

Jim Cairns. Male, 70s. Federal Treasurer and Deputy Prime Minister in the Whitlam Government. Significant involvement in the Vietnam War Moratorium campaign. Seeded and convened the first ConFests (int. July 12 1997, Prahran Market).

Justine. Female, 27. Business analyst. Interested in medieval re-enactment (eq. 4/10/98).

Kanga. Female, 23. Traveller, FOE volunteer. Attended European Rainbow Gatherings (pq. 1994).

Karrabul. Female, 38. Early childhood educationalist and activist (pq. 1994).

Katunga. Male, 53. Music teacher (pq. 1995).

Katya. Female, 17. Student and data entrant with a passion for musical theatre (eq. 21/1/99).

Kokako. Female, 40s. Long serving DTE director. Co-founded Earth Haven in 95/96 (int. Toc III).

Krusty. Male, 30s. DJ and fluoro rainbow warrior. Proponent of 'ethnodelic' psy-trance. Operated as Space Between the Gaps. Co-ordinator of Rainbow Dreaming and Tek Know. Co-director of earthcore (int. Moama IV).

Kurt. Male, late 30s. Computer programmer and writer. Facilitator of Psychedelic Spirituality and Shame Healing workshops. Persecuted by DTE between 1996-1999. His ICBM to DTE (Svendsen 1999) was, in part, a response to my pq. 1994.

Laurie. Male, 40s. Ex-British army, vegetable grower, scrounger, poet, fractal-convert. Member of GreenNet collective. Works in a car co-op. Instrumental in forming Earth Link Cafe at Moama III and has co-ordinated garbage separation. DTE director between 1997-98, and secretary from June 1999 (interviewed twice: December 17, 1995 at Birdlands site, and Moama V).

Les. Male, 50s. Therapeutic community enabler, group facilitator and self-help wellbeing networker. Background in insurance and real estate sales, management consultancy, and degrees in behavioural science and sociology. Undertaking a PhD in social psychology. Workshop and Laceweb co-ordinator from Gum Lodge I (int. December 16, 1994, Melb.).

Lorikeet. Male, 40s. Artist and performer. With his partner, Sparrow, works with Zodiac archetypes and co-founded Wolfgang's Palace ritual theatre troupe and community. Set up Wolfgang's Palace at Birdlands (int. Birdlands).

Magpie. Male, mid-20s. Didje Healer. Undertook a three day shamanic journey at his first ConFest (Walwa III) changing his life irrevocably (int. AOF Gathering, September 1996).

Manatoka. Male, late 40s. Set up a small community, Fuzzy's Farm, in South Australia. Attempted to start a DTE family in SA in 1996-97 (int. Moama V).

Marc ('Dr Marc'). Male, 30s. Practitioner of western and Chinese medicine. Healing village co-ordinator and volunteer. Holds fire twirling and acupuncture workshops (int. Moama IV).

Mardo. Male, 27. Activist. Grew up on housing commission estates, worked on cattle stations and became involved in Timbarra, Iron Gates, Roxby Downs and Goolengook campaigns. GECO volunteer. Began the inclusive grass roots activist group CIDA and co-ordinated CIDA (int. Gum Lodge II).

Mark. Male, 41. Postgraduate student in community development. Skilled in computer assembly (sq. 1997).

Marko. Male, late 30s. Yoga instructor, performer and co-ordinator of Yoga (int. Moama IV).

Merrin. Female, 30s. Astrologer, yoga teacher, cabbalist and co-founder of the Star Earth Tribe. Envisages 'nomadic villages' (int. January 1995, Tipi Village Sanctuary, Nimbin).

Michael. Male, 40s. Self taught engineering and electronics expert. Qualified practitioner of Chinese medicine. Introduced the 'radios on a stick' at ConFest (int. Moama V).

Mimosa. Male, 30s. Influenced by Harry Hay's Radical Fairie movement. Co-ordinator of Queer Presence (int. Moama IV).

Mundarda. Male, late 40s. Community visual artist, poet and psychedelics explorer. Cotter veteran. Was involved with the Children of God sect (int. Moama IV).

Myall. Female, 30s. Illustrator and graphic artist (int. December 17, 1995, Birdlands site).

Nelumbo. Male, mid 20s. Naturalist. Facilitated ecology and species identification workshops (int. December 16, 1995, Birdlands site).

Nilgai. Male, 68. Retiree from Germany (pq. 1994).

Nipa. Female, 20s. Industrial art sculptor. Member of Futurelic collective. Sculpture and Futurelic co-ordinator (int. Moama IV).

Oribi. Female, 25. Psychologist/manager (pq. 1994).

Orryelle Defenestrate. Male, late 20s. Artist, musician. Practitioner of Chaos Magick - subscribes to 'all religions/no religion'. Founder of the Metamorphic Ritual Theatre Company. Architect of The Labyrinth (int. Moama V, and eq. 10/11/98).

Param. Male, 51. Sri Lankan. Ran an interfaith temple (the Aathi Parasakthi Nature Cure Centre) in North Carlton. Spirituality co-ordinator, facilitating Tantra and cooking workshops (int. Birdlands).

Paula. Female, 30s. Internet service provider. Member of GreenNet Australia collective. DTE director between 1996-98 (interviewed twice: February 9, 1996, Melb. and Moama V).

Peregrin. Female, 46. Teacher (pq. 1994).

Pipit. Male. Pharmacologist and freelance web developer. Co-chaired Psychedelic Spirituality workshop at Toc III (eq. 21-23/9/98).

Possum. Male, 19. Ananda Marga member (pq. 1994).

Prion. Male, early 40s. Primal drummer and advocate of drug and alcohol free zone. DTE director (1995-96) and Spiral co-ordinator. Co-creator of the medicine wheel (int. Birdlands).

Profth. Male, 50s. Ran community kitchens called Street Communes in London in the late sixties. Inspired by Paganism. Bredbo veteran. Co-founder of The Grove, healing community and gathering space. Co-ordinator of The Grove (int. Birdlands).

Quenda. Female, 23. Singer, healer, activist-educator with a degree in environmental science specialising in conservation technology. Raised on a permaculture community in Qld. Magic practitioner and member of Bohemia healing arts troupe (int. AOF gathering September 1996).

Ranji. Male, 40s. Folk musician, astrologer and Cotter veteran. Music co-ordinator (int. September 1 1996, St Andrews Market).

Richard. Male, 35. Internet services and website developer, and musician with background in community radio, student unionism and outdoor dance festivals. Convener of the recent DTE Co-operatives Act Collective and DTE director from June 1999 (eq. June 1999).

Rick. Male, 40s. Associated with ConFests since the early 1980s. DTE secretary in 1998 and maintainer of the 'backgate' (int. Moama IV).

Rosella. Female, 53. Laboratory assistant (pq. 1994).

Saffron. Female, 23. Actor and waitress (pq. 1994).

Saiga. Female, 74. Story teller, retired librarian (pq. 1994).

Sage. Female, 58. Social commentator. Attended every ConFest after Cotter. (responded twice: pq. 1994 and 1995)

Sassafras. Female, 50s. Healer. Engenders 'emotional catharsis' by tending to 'the walking wounded'. Co-founder of The Grove and co-ordinator of a village by the same name (int. Birdlands).

Simon F. Male, 42. Research fellow, behavioural scientist, computer technician and masseuse. Bredbo veteran. DTE chairperson. Village and first aid co-ordinator (eq. 17/9/97).

Simon K. Male, 27. Information technology contractor, writer, electro-acoustic musician with a degree in commerce and diploma in linguistics (eq. 28/9/98).

Sparrow. Female, 40s. Artist and performer. Co-founded Wolfgang's Palace ritual theatre troupe and community. Set up Wolfgang's Palace at Birdlands (int. Birdlands).

Spinifex. Male, late 40s. Healer and musician (Chinese flute). Lived with Fred Robinson (founder of the Universal Brotherhood of Man) on a commune in WA in 1971-72. Met a guru at Baranga I - a huge catalyst (int. Aug 1, 1996, St Andrews Market).

Trev: Male, 57. Agriculturalist, sales manager, stage manager of amateur music theatre and naturist. Guardian of 'the Gate' - communicates 'the ConFest Spirit' to initiates (int. Moama V).

Tungoo. Female, 30. Piano/music teacher and student (pq. 1994).

Uroo. Male, 50s. Cotter veteran. Editor of DTEQld (subsequently DTE North East Australia) newsletters and founder of AOF gatherings. Skilled sweatlodge ritualist (interviewed twice: Birdlands, and AOF gathering September 1996).

Wallaby. Male, late 20s. Electronic artist. Member of electronic music collectives, Clan Analogue, then Hybrid. Co-ordinated villages by these names teaching synthesiser skills and encouraging techno-acoustic performances (int. Moama V).

Wandoo. Male, 40s. Compensation administrator. Long serving DTE director, organised ConFests from Glenlyon II. Member of Permacroft community. Co-founded Earth Haven in 1995/96 (pq. 1994, and interviewed twice: Toc III and May 25, 1995 at Confab, Melb.).

Wattle. Female, 32. Massage therapist. Desires regular 'vision circles' as a means of retrieving 'grassroots visions and values' within DTE. Children's village co-ordinator and director from 1998 (sq. May 1999).

Wirilda. Female 23. Performance artist and healer (energy, tarot, psychic, massage, chakras and aura). Affiliated with FOE (pq. 1994).

Wogoit. Male, 29. Masseuse. Builds and uses meditation pyramids (pq. 1994).

Yallara. Male, 20s. Developing a technique for self-spinal alignment (int. Birdlands).

Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations
References: A-L
References: M-Z
Thesis Contents