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Here is my link section to all the websites I consider as excellents. You can sometimes find them as sources for my Cryptids, but some of them aren't figured. If you wan't to make some publicity to your Cryptozoologic (and I insist on the word Cryptozoologic), you can submit me the url here, and if you wan't you can mail me a banner too. Good surfing! An excellent Cryptozoologic website with a forum, a chat and many nice people. It definitively worth the time to pay a visit there. A cool website featuring a webcam where you can watch LIVE for Nessie! But you need to be patient... The most complete list of cryptids on the Internet. An excellent and 100% Canadian site. site rocks! You should visit it if you're looking for a particular and less-known cryptid, this site features virtually all of them. The official place to get the "North American BioFortean Review", a PDF file full of Cryptozoologic infos of quality released 3 or 4 times a year.

Cryptozoologix 2001