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Ashari Gable

Ashari made her home in Aurora, Illinois. She has had 2 litters. (I do have a picture of the last one) Her home was in the back yard of a woman who did not want to see her in the cold anymore. She told me that Ashari was such a good mom, and she thought she would make a wonderful pet. The woman owned 2 dogs and could not let shari inside. She called her vet friend, which happen to have my number if she stumbled on anyone wanting to give their pet away. After driving around for 2 hours, I finally found her. The woman took shari to the vet, got her updated with shots, stopped the baby making, and put her in 2 laundry baskets for me. She cried all the way home, but once inside, she wondered everywhere I went. When I got into the bed, she got in with me and curled up in my side. We kinda fought for about a month or so, but she knows she's a princess, but mom is the queen of the house. :^) I became really ill that December and my wonderful cat laid part of her body across my chest while I was in bed, which was about 2 weeks. That's when I knew we bonded. The vet I took her to 5 months ago for her yearly check up thought she was going to be a horror, per my phone call. (she doesn't like the kitty taxi, don't touch her tummy or pick her up. If you rub her back too much, you get bit.) She was great and he stated that she was a loving girl for a stray. He told me give it another year, and she will be a lap cat for sure. She has a ex-daddy, who always asks "so, when did you get the dog?" (Ashari weighs 16 lbs.) and a 5 year old brother, which she doesn't care for, but she knows what would happen... Anyway, my son just feeds her and that's it. He would rather watch Scooby Doo than play with her. :^)

For More Pictures of Ashari Click Here