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Honourary Member-- Boogie

We found Boogie as a tiny kitten at the Humane Society after our dog Sweeney was stolen. He was a tiny, crying, kitten with parasites, and almost didn't escape the jaws of death. But fortunatly, we came along just in time, and immedietly knew he was the one. And yes, he was. I couldn't imagine life without him, it would be so dull without a little kitty to brighten your day. Soon after we got him though, he climbed to the top of a very tall tree, and fell. But very luckily, my Mom was in the back yard to catch him. But that wasn't the last time this little kitty was at risk, he got in many fights before he was fixed, and one time he came home with blood all over. He has certainly been through a lot, not to mention my sister Emily pestering him when she was little, and me. He has grown to like me more now, and really is a very sweet kitty, he has just gone through a lot. He is a happy and healthy kitty now, and hopefully will stay that way. He is very special, and old. We thought he was 10 years old, but he apparently is older because we got him when my sister Emily was 9, and she is now 21, so of course he has to be older than ten. His nicknames are: Boogis, Boogs, Boog Of The Woods, The Great Grumpus Cat, Boo, Independent Boogis, and Boog.