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Subject: The Shield of Commissioning
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 19:46:45 -04

Dear Rich:
Aug. 30, 1998
        Per your request I will attempt to write down the visual imagery
that I experienced this past Friday night (Aug. 28) at prayer meeting.  I
tried to tell it to Jim and Mark right after it happened since they were
the only other two there, (besides the Lord, of course). What happened
was Jim & I are having financial difficulties due to the $700 we just had
to pay for my car's clutch and ball bearing repairs.  It took both of our
paychecks to redeem the car.  Since this tends to be burdensome
emotionally for us, and affect our whole week's plans, we decided to go
to prayer meeting to "praise the Lord anyway."
        Mark Gorton says he has been the only one holding these meetings
lately.  So we talked a while about the Lord. Mark sang and read a long
passage about Solomon's dedication of the temple.  When we began to pray
Jim started.  At that point I don't remember anymore what Jim said, just
that he was praying and I was agreeing, then I saw this imagery.  It has
happened to me before, and what is neat is that it is better than
anything I could "make up" personally.  It happens like I am watching a
movie, and I know it is from God.
        There was a neutral-color outside edge around my "field of
vision," and in the center was a cut-out shape of a large shield, like a
cupped or curved "V" at the bottom, with a straight-edge across the top.
>From the outer edges, like coming from behind a "picture-matting," (sort
of), there came (from all directions into the middle) many, many smaller
shields of the same shape, of all the families of the earth.  These
shields were like family crests; for example one of them was yellow with
two black "eagle" shapes facing away from each other that looked kind of
germanic; another was divided in fourths, like with a black field of
stars in the left corner; others were vivid blue with various things,
like griffith symbols or whatever - they were all very colorful and
moving towards the center and butting up next to one another, some even
overlapping the edge of others, all crowding within the space.
        Then a huge shield came and completely covered this image of the
many smaller shields.  It fit snuggly into the "matting" of the
previously empty shape that they were all moving inside.
        This huge shield was completely red except for the white (and
silver-outlined) symbol on it.  This symbol was of two hands holding onto
the hilt of a sword that extended from the bottom of the V to the top of
the shield.  When the shield moved into the middle of  the neutral
outside and "fit" down into the space over all the other small shields,
then the image became "animated" (living) and the hands slowly extended
the sword forward.  This was not threatening, but more like a
"commissioning" action, like when kings "knighted" people.  It pointed
outward, like intentioning or indicating "Go."   Just like that, the
imagery was finished.
        It was very encouraging to me personally. (I love when God drops
these things into my spirit to know things about Him, because I know who
I am from the past, and I know how undeserving I am to know Him at all).
I only share it for your edification.(So if you share it with anyone, I
feel shy about it, so please don't call me up to talk about it or
anything, okay?)  I won't claim to give an interpretation, but I know it
is for GCF and not just for me or our family. (I am going to send a copy
to the Nysewanders).God bless you. Nancy