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Subject: Re: Couple More Names
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 18:33:57 -0400
From: (James D. Coogan)

No, I disagree about the brother going to court about brother.  I don't
think you need to think that way from the original text.  The law exists
to protect the innocent.  We were innocent kids, and the ones working in
the business are innocent now.  It is not like we could come before the
elders like in the Scripture and ask for justice and then a ruling body
could decide what we could do equitably between brothers. Also, you are
preaching on the site that you don't think ST is even saved.  He
certainly doesn't have the fruit to say he has always looked out for our
best welfare and not "fleeced us like sheep."  The Scripture was about
frivilous law suits that could be handled "in house" so to speak within
the church, and that the church would not be shamed publically and
discredit the name of Jesus.  Stewart had used that one to make us feel
for sure if we ever rose up against him we would go to hell.  Don't you
ever believe that if he felt you had wronged him, like what I said about
your web site maybe taking business away from him, that he wouldn't "get
you" if he could.  I don't want to "get him."  (Well, actually I do, but
not through this idea of the social security justice, my ideal would be a
nice Hawaiian punch...)  Hey, give out our home e-mail to people.  I
would love to get back in touch with Patty Seif if I had an e-mail
address.  It is great to be back in touch with Mike Walker, especially
sharing the idea of us both loving sign language because our lives were
impacted by Mike Bove.  Do you realize how much money we are talking that
all of us were defrauded out of if you think of just the names you have
already?  Do you know that Swiss bank account number?  Have you seen any
insurance records on ST or has anyone? Where do you think he will retire?
I will never see any of it, nor do I want to.  I am just outraged at the
injustice of sincere "good kid" kind of people being exploited by
somebody with a contrived agenda.  Really, what good did he ever do any
of us?  Did he help the marriages, did he bless the children, did he
"bind up the brokenhearted" even?
What did he get paid to do?  Was he a great overseer?  Did he teach
people skills in ministry?  Did he ever finish his "marvelous" colored
Bible?  What exactly did he ever GIVE to us?  Did he teach us relational
skills towards our family and each other?  Why did any of us want to be
"just like Stewart?" The only thing was to maybe have a heart for Haiti,
but that turned sour too.  I'll tell you some other time of the adventure
Jim & I had in first year Bible college going to Haiti ourselves.  Well,
gotta go do homework.  Laying on of hands low-key at end of session of
singing to have prayer ministry time.  You need to be one of the ones
ministering, so if you mean sign you up for that, you got it.
your sis Nancy  Hey I would love to see some of the responses.  Will you
post them to the site?  What about just selected quotes, unnamed...
