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Dear Mike:
If you are insinuating that I give "pushy" advice, remember that I am
even 7 times worse than that now - I am a MOM (of middle schoolers at
Strive on bro.
Hey last night we went to Liberty Church of God in Lexington, where the
youth group was visiting from the Brownsville, Pensacola FL Revival, and
whew, honey was it HOT.  I got to interpret a bunch of the songs for a
deaf girl of about 20, and met the christian interpreter who doesn't live
too far from me for the first time.  But even more than that my daughter,
12, was "slain in the Spirit" under the prayerful anointing of an 18 yr
old girl from B'vl and I saw an amazing thing.  See, several months ago
my old pastor prayed for me to have "eyes to see" and I thought it was in
conjunction (which it sort of is) with my learning my visual language.
Last night, being in that visual mode, signing away for a long time, when
people went forward for prayer, one woman was "hit by the wave of the
Spirit's presence" (I don't know how else to describe it) and as she was
sort of "sinking" like squating down (later repeatedly up & down but for
the first time) I happened to be looking at her face, and honestly, I saw
an affect on her cheek like she was standing in the reflection of
firelight, sort of red/orange/yellow.  I had to blink and look again, and
it was still there!  The pastor was saying "Fire! Fresh Fire Lord!" so
maybe some psychologist might think I was getting some autosuggestive
image, but for me it was certainly very real for about 40 seconds, then
someone walked across my field of vision as people all around me were
"falling under the power."  In fact as one lady fell she smashed into me,
but I was unhurt.  Well, it is too long to tell here except that part,
because it was so amazing to me.  It is Sunday afternoon and I have to go
take a nap so I can go back to church again tonight!
Let me know if John writes again  --- who's that writin'?, John the
Revelator;  tell me, who's that writin'?, John the Revelator; tell me
who's that writin'?, John the Revelator: wrote the Book of the Seven
Seals.... (ancient spiritual, opening song of the Blues Bros. 2000, which
I am not recommending....)   Nancy
