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Subject: Olde Good Things
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 13:09:44 -0400
From: Jim Clark <>

Dear Mike just scanned the pages about the salvage of architectural
treasures.  Did not recognize anyone but those beards sure are
suspicious... and the NYC and Toronto locations - wouldn't surprise me
if Mr. Traill is wanting to get into that business personally.  It does
make me furious that they have so much expensive camera junk for sale
when I struggle sometimes to provide for my kids.  Some of the capital
must have come off of mine & Jim's backs years ago (and yours too, bro.)
and at an age when we should have been taught personal financial
responsibilities rather than letting Harry make those choices for us...
well, we chose community for whatever weaknesses and strengths, but it
is just so weird that S&G seems to be making out so... God will make it
up to me later I guess, and you can't take flash pictures in Hell...
Once Jim had to go to the Lamb House for something and he walked in,
"feeling very rammy" (pun intended) and said "Oh, so this is what I've
been working for all these years?"  Did you ever visit the Princeton
house?  It only seemed like a huge brick NJ house in a lovely
neighborhood, except that it was furnished by milkcrates.  No lie.  I
was actually there for a weekend of sisters who spent most of the time
sewing quilted material onto milkcrates.  The rest of the time we
cataloged tapes.  And I went down into the basement and found a huge, I
mean huge, pile of paperbook books, in a big pile that looked like it
had been dumped into the middle of the floor. And what was the subject
material?  Lots and lots of them were on psychology, basic Christianity
and especially relationships, like about love and marriage.  No lie.  I
remember standing there, and replaying in my head that Stewart had told
us all publically that he didn't believe in doing outside reading, that
he felt it would taint his studies.  But here I was confronted with this
pile of stuff...who did they belong to?  Were they confiscated from
older brethren who gave up their stuff?  It was weird, and I certainly
wasn't about to ask.  Well, what brought out that purging?  Gotta go
clock back in from lunch.  Nancy - PS soon I will have my own email here
as they are setting me up with my own computer at this new station.