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Subject: Hall Of Fame:Names
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 23:31:17 -0400
From: (James D. Coogan)

OK Now I'm at home and I told Jim about finding the Web page at my work
and how odd it was to see it.  He didn't think Reggie's last name was
Jackson, (although Mark Butwin, who married Terri Jeffers and changed
their last name to his mother's maiden name of Callahan - they have a
son, Daniel who is nw 12- so anyway, Mark Callahan thinks Reggie Jackson
MIGHT be correct). But that is the name of a ball player, and it has been
so many years, and being in ministry ourselves we've met a lot of people.
 I also fondly remember Gary Kokolus, the dear brother who was killed
when the old van had tire problems, and pulling off to the shoulder, Gary
going to the back to open the back door and find the jack, a drunk driver
came flying over the hill, and careened right into Gary, pinning him to
the van, and killing him instantly.  Irene and I loved Gary, we lived in
his building, and he was a great brother.  He  liked to pretend he was a
genteel gentleman from the Civil War time, and he would call us Miss
Nancy and Miss Irene, and I called him Mr. Kokolus.  I specifically
remember that at that time he used to always carry one of those little
ABS booklets of the Book of the Revelation in his khaki, button-pocket
shirt pocket, right over his heart.  I'm sure he died carrying it. I
never got to properly mourn him, as only brothers went to his funeral.
I also remember "Sunshine" Sweetman, who changed her name back to Dawn
after the hippie thing faded.  Her son Mikey grew up in the Fellowship.
John & JoAnn Fontana lived across the hall from me and I liked old John -
he taught me many a "nuggie" in the old days, before he left.  Other
names: Iris Lowe, Debbie Bryant, Pam Gilliam, Skylar Evans, Claude
Wiggins, Dr. William West (who was a black dentist brother who
volunteered in Haiti and lived in NYC), Jim Sidorn, Scott Conners, Sharon
Horton (I still call my version of great potato salad the Sharon Horton
variety), the Bob Hillenbrandt family, Rem, Paula Tooman Smith and Sid
(her sister) Tooman,-Stewart said Sid backslid when she went to work for
Richard Wurmbrandt's ministry,-(I lived in Allentown with Paula for 6
months when I was saved for about a year), Alice Divini (who died of
cancer), Janet Feathers (one of the first), Nancy ? (refered to as the
Nurse, she was the first one to diagnose that brother who DIED once in
prayer at the loft from an aneurism), Bob Declair (The Artist- FYI: Jim's
arm was the study for many a night in a crummy NYC apt. for that tract
Stewart ordered of Jesus before Pilate), someone called "The Photog" who
took pictures for Stewart, Rod Huffman, Julie Jacobs who was the office
manager at the beginning of Christian Bros., Steve in the wheelchair and
Steve in the crutches, and Steve Potts (who wanted to have a relationship
with yours truly that got us in trouble when we'd done nothing wrong!)
Don't forget Jeff Bernstein, who has a great ministry now IN RUSSIA to
bring Jews back to Israel as Messanic Christians, and you know that Patti
Daniels married Jeff Seif and has 2 boys and he got his doctorate, right?
 He was running some ministry to Jewish Christians a few years ago.  I
also knew Faith Weiss, and was so disgusted once to overhear older
sisters discussing how it was horrible when she went to see her husband
Hermann, who wasn't living in fellowship at the time, and she had the
audacity to get pregnant.  Oh that made me mad!  I don't think I was ever
much in the good graces of the Sister's fellowship.  Once, I remember
going all day looking for work, diligently, and only stopping for a quick
lunch, dragging some silly younger sister with me that decreased my job
prospects, and seemed strange to employers, but all the while trying to
read the Bible, and be patient and encouraging, because she was younger,
and kind of scared of NYC, and then going to a meeting where we had to
say if we had a clear conscience about how we were throughout the day.  I
did, and when I said I did, Sisters actually told me they thought there
was no way that I possibly could have a clear conscience!  Mind Readers!
Oh, Jim and I could tell so many stories.  But one thing that has helped
us from falling into resentment, (although for years in my dreams I would
stand up at a Center meeting, and tell Stewart off) was the fact that we
actually got to do real evangelism, and real missions and ministry
without all the credentials that are so valued by the "regular" churches.
 And GOD would show up in it somehow. It was wonderfully interracial in a
day and age where that didn't just happen everywhere. And Miracles
happened, and people got saved out of terrible situations, and in spite
of Stewart there was time in the beginning that the houses flourished.  I
personally remember the downfall of Stewart, although I didn't know it at
the time.  I remember that each time we prayed corporately (a style of
prayer I still cherish as it is so rare) many people would cry out to God
that He would protect Stewart from ever backsliding.  Once, in a fit of
indignancy, Stewart told us all to stop praying that he never backslid,
but instead that we should pray that he was able to deal with all our
"petty problems."  The prayers, of course, ceased at his direction.
I close with the words we would greet and retreat with: "God Bless You."