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Dear Brethren in Christ (formerly COBU):
I just took some of the kids' summer clothes up into our attic, and just
had to open Jim's old "Bible study" box, which I haven't looked at in at
least 10 years.  It is a small steel box with a big GET SMART GET SAVED
sticker on the side, and a smaller button-sized one on the top.  I was
hoping to find an original button inside, but didn't.
But I did find treasures!  Jim has always had a wonderful "hand" - people
in his college before he was saved used to offer to pay for his notes.
But he has tons of typed out Bible studies from as far back as '75 and at
least 10 original Lamb Ledgers.  Oh they were so wonderful!  It is funny
to see how they were going to be published weekly to bi-weekly... They
contained "Cult of the Week," and ST & Gayle's schedule, and each week
featured a story of the "Martyrdom of... [various apostles]"  and the
artwork and design was so good!  There is a graph of how many got saved -
trying to reach 1,000 ... There were a series of cartoons showing various
witnessing situations... There were pictures of bros. & sisters with
obvious joy on their faces... scenes of baptisms, large Bible studies
with everyone craning forward to hear and take part... (Jeff Seif leading
one of these)... how young we were... There was an article on who was
chosen to lead various areas of the MTC - Paula Tooman Smith was chosen
as she was one of the oldest sisters in the faith, having been saved five
years at the time - Harry Weinbaum was chosen as he was so cooperative in
taking directions from Stewart....

I will definately have to find a way to have multiples of these made by
the Reunion.  There are also pages and pages of Bros. Mtgs. and one
called "The Slugs" and I will type a copy of the Time Magazine article
from March 1, 1976 "Where Are the Children?"  and a FF tract very soon
when I get some of my schoolwork done, and send it to Mike's site. (Mike
I will try to send you copies of what I can as a Christmas gift!)

I think what is especially important to me was to see the pictures of
life as we lived it in community.  It did my heart good to see the real
expressions of heartfelt love and joy on the face of the brethren.  To
see them embracing. To see "us" with arms around each other standing in a
big circle, talking about missions, dreaming of making a difference to
the poor.  To read the "directions" of the Jan. '76 Big Mtg. about being
considerate to one another.  To read a prophecy that was recorded
(probably Debbie Young) about how Jesus loved us, and kept calling us His
children repeatedly, and wanted us not to walk in the evil ways of the
people of this world, but to continue in our calling of spreading His
word... to see young people wanting to read the next adventure of Pilgrim
in his see us rejoice that we had "600 New Brethren," that
(apart from the pressure and smashing we got from on high to bring them
to the meeting), we were genuinely glad when people got saved.  It was
truly our joy.

Anyway, I will share this treasure with you as I can.  And there are
several workbooks,and the old FF tract, and a paper with all the old
addresses of the houses, and a list of names... and although its not in
the box, we do have an artshow around here.  I think its in the boxes in
the garage, along with the stuff from Jim's old office when he was a
pastor.  Between now and August surely I can find it.  Gotta go do my
Sat. chores and stuff.  God bless you.  Nancy
