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Dreams are for real people like you and me,
so let us share our dream together .
Think of this magical place
where we can hold each other.
Now, close your eyes and take me in your arms;
let our thoughts merge
till we can see the beauty of the stars
piercing through the darkness of
the midnight sky.

Looking to the heavens,
gazing up at the beautiful stars;
shining in the never ending dark sky.
Together, this one night, with a discreet smile,
I make a wish. "Yes, this wish".
I whisper a little prayer to my Zeus,
"Please let my body come alive tonight."
And I want you to guide me through this enchanted dream
where only you can fill me up…
with passion and pleasure.

My heart begins to pound in my chest
with the power of heavenly passion.
A face appears in my vision.
It's you, my love, standing there before me.
Naked, the light illuminates your face
hinting at the sensual hollow of your cheek.
Moonlight traces the lines around your mouth.
Looking into each other's eyes is to become lost
into the depths of our souls.
We pass through this magical place
like falling stars from heaven.

Your strong arms and your caress so intense
allows me to dance on the milky way.
Whisper in my ear those words
I need to hear from you, my love.
You kiss my cheek lightly.
I moan and arch my back.
That is an invitation for you to keep exploring my body.
Looking at me naked with those lustful eyes
shows me the desire within you to make love to me.
And, we will.

Walk through the constellations
and dream with me.
I bring my right hand behind your neck
as my other hand trails slowly down your tummy.
My heart races quickly,
as I feel my dream lover in the flesh.
I step into your embrace,
I feel your entire body next to mine.
Let the passion build as we come closer.
Can you feel the beating of my heart against your chest?
Let me be the woman that fulfills your every need.

Tonight, I look at the reflection of the romantic moon ,
with all it's tiny sparkling stars.
I slowly remove my hand down onto your manhood
to slowly massage the strength of it.
My tongue meets yours and you respond with a moan.
You ask me to lie down as I tease you with my tongue.
I can feel your desire with each beat of your heart.

I shiver as your soft hand slowly caresses my hair.
You push me on my back and I feel a velvet blow
of your hot breath on my neck.
A warm sensation of pleasure
passes throughout me as you continue
to trace the lines of my sensitive skin with your tongue.
Each sweet touch brings your lips to mine.

With your tongue darting in and out of my mouth,
you make me see a million stars shooting in the sky.
I wrap my legs around your hips as you drive deep inside me.
You drop your head to suck a nipple.
My body is going in every direction
even out to the galaxy above - colliding with every star.
Our bodies melt with ecstasy as the sky explodes with fireworks.

OH MY GOD - tell me if I am dreaming.
Or is it reality?
I wonder if one day
I will be able to reach the sky to show you
what you mean to me?
I am yours, my dreamlover.

©January 2000Cherie xoxo

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Graphics by Vicki's Slice of Heaven Webdesign or credited to the rightful source; if you see one that is not credited properly, please contact Vicki so we can credit the correct source or remove the graphic. Thank you.