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charlee Name : charlee

Age : Let's just say I stopped having birthdays a couple of years ago.

Birthdate : summer

Sign : Cancer

Status : Single with 3 small children


Hobbies :

The internet mostly. When I was younger I used to read and write a lot, but not so much now. I still do a little here and there, but I need to be inspired.

I collect a lot of things, teddy bears, beanie babies, porcelain animals (cats, dogs, frogs, unicorns, dragons, wizards, anything that strikes me as being cute), coins, plates, Christmas ornaments, Coka Cola stuff, Furbies, McDonald's toys...etc, etc. Yeah, I'm a pack rat. =)

I do some model painting every now and again too. I have only done the metal miniature stuff from Ral Partha, Dungeons & Dragons, and I have a couple new ones from Warhammer.


Interests :

I'd like to start making my own graphics, maybe make a CD or seems to be the new trend.

I get into houseplants every once in a while but I have a hard time with plants that have flowers...I've killed them all. Ivies and vines seem to be my forte there. I love hibiscus, but I can never keep one around for too long.


Online History :

My dad won a fax machine a few years ago (1996) in one of those charity lotteries. "What are we going to do with a fax machine?" The contest rules stated that prizes weren't available for cash value and blah, blah, blah, but when my parents went to claim it, they were allowed to put the value of the fax machine towards buying a computer instead. I guess the salesman wasn't going to pass up a commission opportunity like that, can't say that I blame him either. =) So, we had a computer, finally, probably close to the last people on Earth to get one!

My mom only used it for writing essays and resumes and as an advanced typewriter. My dad, he never uses it, so I took it over. At least I could use it to close to its full potential. I got on the internet the first month and haven't lived without it since. Well...except when I was in the hospital giving birth. LOL


Website History :

I built my first page here on Angelfire in 1998 using the homepage editor, and it stayed only one page for almost a year because I couldn't figure out how to link pages together. Then I downloaded a drag & drop editor (Splash) and I built a little site using that. That's what I used to make the boy's personal pages at their site, charleesangels (The angels' Homepages). The basic outline for those original pages are still there. After that, I openned a Holiday site with Homestead. It seemed easy at first, until I wanted to add some java code for my New Year's page. So then I was determinded to learn how to code my own pages. I downloaded CoffeeCup HTML Editor++ and used that as my starting point because you could see the HTML file as you built the page. It sufficed for a while and taught me a lot, but I've "grown out" of it too and only use it when I'm lazy. I also learned a lot from peeking at source code and playing around with parameters. (That's how I figured out tables, and finally frames.)

Since then I have built bits & pieces of at least 16 sites, none of which are even remotely close to being finished. =)

Afterthought: You know, of the last almost 2 years that I have been teaching myself HTML, I could never figure out how to use Microsoft FrontPage Express until just now? As a matter of fact, this is my first page using it, and it's only because I've become lazy. If I hadn't learned coding first, I probably STILL wouldn't know how to use it. There's nothing like doing things backwards! =)


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