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Welcome back! It's going to be a long, hard road, but it will be worth it in the end (No innuendo implied).  I've been away for quite some time, but fear not, you 3 loyal fans of Monster Joe. I'm back, and better than ever. I'm not sure whats going to happen with this revamp of the site, but i guarantee that you'll find something interesting here. Weather its links to sites such as, or GrudgeMatch. Eventualy, I'll start putting some of my articles back up (If I can find any of the old ones), Pictures of myself, and friends, and what not. but untill then check out some links below, and bookmark this page for future use. Some day when your cleaning out your bookmark file, you'll run accross it and say "What the hell..." and then you'll come back, and you won't  believe your eyes.

thanks, see ya,

-Monster_Joe Are you Bored yet? try here to ease it.
Nine Inch Nails 1
Nine Inch Nails 2
Nine Inch Nails 3
Are you a NIN fan llike me?
CHeck out some of these.
I haven't actualy visited these in a while,
 so they might not even exist, but whatever.
MOZILLA! as far as I'm concerned a great
browser, I really liked the older netscapes,
and this brings back fond memories.
Plus, Its FREE!
anything free is good, so be sure to get yerself
a free email account from one of these faceless
corporates providers!
My favorite search engine
Like movies? Like trivia? Like to know
everything possible? well, this won't give
everything possible, but it lists just about
every movie ever made, including bios,
cast, crew (complete crew) and a lot of
other stuff you'll like, I know I do.

This page was made using Mozilla Composer, and is owned, opperated, and whatnot by MONSTER_JOE! E-mail me if you have any ideas on what you'd like to see, or if there are any comments, or if your lonely: