There are Wells thrown about the questing world, some are just plain'ol wells, however some may be the heads to a Well-Hydra.
1. Wishing Well
These Hydras appear to be just normal run of the mill Wells, but if you toss a Rock, Pebble, or Stone into it, it will spit out QC (Only Spits out a Max of 150).
This is how it would go:
Kingdom tosses a rock in the Well
DiceQM : d150
DarkPhase : DiceQM rolled a d150, and achieved a 132

Dice QM The Well spits out 132qc, Kingdom gets 132qc

The Well will burrow into the ground if a player gets greedy and tries to toss another rock into the well.

Wishing Well : 
Level 50, 5000HP    0xp gained    0qc dropped 
Combo +4 Critical +4 
Counter None, Charge Level 3 (+30 Damage) 
Cease None. Normally a Docile Creature
Attack 5d100, if a Single Head 3d100. 
2. Blood Well
These Hydras appear to be erie Wells, they Are made of marlot granite, they also have a black tongue, but if you pour a some blood into it, it will spit out QC (Only Spits out a Max of 250).
This is how it would go:
Kingdom pours a cup of blood in the Well
DiceQM : d250
DarkPhase : DiceQM rolled a d250, and achieved a 197

Dice QM The Well spits out 197qc, Kingdom gets 197qc

The Well will burrow into the ground if a player gets greedy and tries to pour more blood into the well.

Blood Well : 
Level 50, 5000HP   0xp gained    0qc gained
Combo +3 Critical +5 
Counter None, Charge Level 3 (+30 Damage) 
Cease None. Normally a Docile Creature
Attack 5d120, if a Single Head 3d120. 
Drain Ability (this means whatever damage it causes, regenerates into HP, for instance if it causes 223 damage, it also heals for 223hp). 
1. Pipe Well
These Hydras look like large Piping, or a metal well, but if you toss a Jewel into it, it will spit out QC (Only Spits out a Max of 500).
This is how it would go:
Kingdom tosses a jewel into the Well
DiceQM : d500
DarkPhase : DiceQM rolled a d500, and achieved a 349

Dice QM The Well spits out 349qc, Kingdom gets 349qc

The Well will burrow into the ground if a player gets greedy and tries to toss another jewel into the well.

Pipe Well : 
Level 75, 7500HP    0xp   0qc
Combo +5 Critical +5 
Counter Lv2 (1-10), Charge Level 5 (+50 Damage) 
Cease None. Normally a Docile Creature
Attack 5d250, if a Single Head 3d250.
These Creatures Also Absorb 100 Damage. (this means you'll have to do more than 100 damage to harm it). 
Each Well Head has 20 Rows of sharp teeth, if a player hops into a well, these teeth will come out. Allow time for the player to get out of the well, if they do not, you may damage them, or have the well spit them out.

1. Wishing Wells Are Commonly Found throughout the Questing world.

2. Blood Wells are only found in Skull Caverns, Blood Lakes, or Graveyards.

3. Pipe Wells are only found on Mirror Isle.